Monday, December 31, 2007
Yeah! 2008!!! SIANZ!
Year er ling ling FUCK-ing(2008-ing) busy sia... No rest for us sia! CHIONG STUDY! NO WORK! NO RITZ! THUS... NO MONEY!!! WATEVER!!!
Wishes all the people in the world a happy 2007 and welcome 2008! FUCKED
*Ps to the ppl who are in the hongkong cafe.. haha.. have to rush to fish with friends... SORRY!!
Mood: Err?
Listening now: Megadeth - Rattlehead
Next Destination --> FISHING!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Ex'T'reme
From Left: The Tiny, The Tall, And The Thing!
The Tiny aka Neddely aka MY DAUGTHER aka Xiao Mei
The Tall aka Panjang aka Ti Gi aka (you all name it sia)
The Thing aka Raymond aka Hua Shun!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Sickening Days
Work, Project and Sleeping (man, i think i'm good at summary writing...)
Hmm... Shall update some interesting things next time... and YEAH!! finally drive my first vehicle... from Ashtorie's uncle's car... Honda Streams... COOL!! nothing much to say but just amazed... keke...
Mood: Pensive
Listening now: Air-con blowing by My room
Condition: Cough, Headache, Bruises from work and sleepy mood...
H a i l!
Monday, December 17, 2007
1) TP test passed! DRIVING LICENCE!!!
2) Proteomics was screwed a little
3) PSCT was totally screwed...
4) Medical Check-up and gotten a Pes B L1 and a Shock... i grew 4cm... 199cm/70+kg
5) Working these few days (from thursday all the way till just now sunday)
6) Yet to do anything for the consolidation of the data for FYP (now den i found out i dun have the datas... damn... sorry phy to delay it...)
7) My leg is damn restless right now...
8) Of all, this is the worst, which is i'm going to sch in 1 hour time which i'm like opening my eyes for 3 days if i do not slp...
9) Shit happens
Mood: ---
Listening now: ---
Condition: Aches, Headaches, cough and leg pain...
Going to Die young...
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Here you are! Half-naked in front of you. The Warlords of Die-NASTY... After tonnes of eggs, Flour, Chicken Organ, Oil, Vinegar, Sause and most of all... FUN!! haha...
From Left Backroll: Simon, Tian Yew, Jian Rong, Wei Long(holding blur shirt), Wilson (Behind wei long), Leon, ME OF CUZ, Kian Wee, Qian Er Brother, ASHTORIE!!
From left or right (does it matter?) Frontroll: SEAH BING TING!!! haha... birthday boy... keke..
Anyways.. haha... test tml.. LUCK!!! I NEED YOU AGAIN!!!
Listening now: Fallen Into Obscurity - Absence of the Sacred
Saturday, December 8, 2007
100 Post! Congrats to myself!
Driving test on the 11 Dec 2007
I can foresee a FAIL in my stupid driving sia... kena scold big time for the circuit driving and very blur throughout the lesson... was very very worried about it so i booked monday morning for the driving... Well.. let just hope that i could pass... haiz... damn worried...
Proteomic test : 12 Dec 2007, 9am to 10.30am
PSCT test (damn) : 13 Dec 2007, 9am to 10.30am
NS Medical check-up : 13 Dec 2007, 1pm
*now you see how pack is my next week's schedule... cham sia...
Tuesday 4 Dec - Was at home the whole day i guess....
Wednesday 5 Dec - Went to sch at 12pm till 6pm... TIRED!
Thursday 6 Dec - School from 8 to 12pm, late for driving and sux for it... DAMN!
Friday 7 Dec - Went to install microsoft in school with leon around 2pm and a 4 to 5pm talk for the day... WASTED!
Saturday 8 Dec - was studying with zhi fan, azmil and friends at hougang mac from friday 11pm to 5am.. LOL!
Yup, that's wat happening these days... uninteresting, non-productive and dumb...
For this 100 post for my blog. Got a special things to say to all of my friends out there...
A big THANKS for all the supports that you all gave me and the concern these few months... i know that few months wasn't the person that you all noe back den but yeah... things changed sometimes... Thanks to all my Ritz Carlton, Polytechnic, Secondary and even Primary school friends and other friends from all walks of life... Well... if there is a list of ppl who i wanted to thank that will be like endless... So yeah... Thanks you guys again and again... and thanks, to that one person who gave me a chance to love... Thanks you people...
Mood: Average
Listening now: damn birds noise which you hear in the morning
Condition: headaches
HAILS ALL! 100th post achieved!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
So Far, So Good... SO WAT!
Damn... slept at 3.30am and woke up at 6am... LOL!!! but still look energized... only for the time being i guess.. LOL... went to school as usual and did the practical thingky... 4 hours of lab and one hour of FYP and one hour of lunch with Leon, Gracie, Ned, Pamela and BF! haha... Well well.. still a cheerful lunch though... except grace a bit moodless? well well.. not sure wat happen though but when as wat i always said! Let the sad be happy and happy be happier... =D
Afterwhich go attend lecture and hell it was a sleepy one.. haha... for both proteomic and PSCT... stupid PSCT got another project coming up... damn sia... ok.. went straight home and nuar a bit and went to slp around 6pm... SUPPOSE to wake up at 8pm but in the end 10.30pm... as usual.. haha.. YEah! finally started my real time study from 11pm till now... which is 3am? hey.. 4 hours of continuous study hor! haha.. Anyways... good thing is.. no sch for tml cuz we choose to... LOL... good good...
Mood: Sux even though it is good..
Listening now: Megadeth - Last Rites/Loved to Death
Condition: Headache headache headaches...
Damned Life... HAILS ALL!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
I'm Fine i guess, How are you too?
30 Oct 2007 (Friday)
Last day of the weekday, probably the last day of our lab day... PROBABLY!... so... rushed our presentation through and yeah... it was the chim-est out of the other groups and yet we can still able to present something... Nice one dudes... (Kai lin, Elwin and Hans!) Afterwhich, fly down to Ritz for work and work until 3am.. Not much things to do... Sweat a lot during the operation hour... dunno y oso... last time dun have now sweat like hell.. Old already sia.. LOL!! okok.. so went back home and touch down around 4am... planning to study though but in the end, end up watching 'Secret' directed by Jay Zhou himself... was very touching and nice though.. haha... finally got to see this movie.. LOL!! ok.. next day!
1 Nov 2007 (Sat)
Woke up around 4pm, which is 2 hours later den wat i wanted to wake up for the timing... to study... but in the end.. yeah... continue the movie (Secret) that i haven't finished watching... by the time i watched finish... already 6.45pm and hell i'm late for Bing Ting's Birthday... Took a cab down, $16.00, which i was veri grumpy about... BUT!! i got myself a Marbolo(watsoever it is spelled) Light at the seat of the taxi for FREE!!! haha... but it is from indoesia though... BUT WHO CARES!! haha... brought the packet to the ppl and just hack it... LOL!! as long as it's free.. LOL!!
Eat, Talk, Play PSP, Laugh and CRAP! Lots of things happening during the hours of bbq-ing in east coast... Cut the cake, and finally... war zone... LOL!! was fast enough to run away but in the end still kana smelly eggs, oil, flour(which mainly makes up the age of my hair) and much much more... Went on a cab around 3.15am and the whole ass was wet la...(cuz i go wash ma.. nv bring extra clothing..) den now updating lor.. LOL..
BTW!! Happy Birthday to you Bing Ting... Hope all things looks great ahead of you and yeah! be loving and caring as always watever wherever you r with QE! haha...
Lots of things happened during these days though... With parents, friends, people and much much more... But well, if you noe me of cuz, i always kept quiet towards this type of things... True to say is not i dun wan to be involve, but i noe to keep quiet somehow is always the bestto solve the problem sometimes.. I hope all things will settle down asap and may all people who r sad be happy, all happy people to be even more happier...
Still the same, i can't practically stay at home somehow... it just makes me think too much out of nothing... Test is coming, i noe it is coming... but wat the hell is this thinking making me so shitty right now...
Mood: sux
Listening now: Silent
Condition: Headaches at the left brain and it is killing me...
As the title summarize all, which goes:
I'm Fine i guess, How are you too?
Friday, November 30, 2007
Sad, for the people who are sad...
Cry, for those who are sad...
Angry, becuz they are sad...
Thinking deeply, becuz those things are making them sad...
Tired, for they kept thinking of things that are sad...
Headache, for tiredness has cause them to be sad... again...
Sometimes i feel, i can't fucking stay at home... becuz that's where thinking too much of things happens...
Listening now:
Condition: This headache will never go away, what happening to my brain!
Too perfect for the imperfection...
Sunday, November 25, 2007
See you in 2 months buddy!!!
Just came back from cycling with him to geylang and makan yu tiao and mee sua! haha... Well.. there is of cuz Wei quan and Azmil who tagged along and went together... too bad Leon and Zhi fan weren't here due to some work, some sick... NVM! Had a long chat with them, long not say long... short not say short... well... watever... ok! chat with them at that famous 24 hour yu tiao shop at GAYlang... haha.. too bad that fabian needs to do his report and gonna wake up at 6am.. if not we would have cycled more... haha.. nvm...
Old memories man... from that moment you kicked my bottle during primary 2 until primary 4 same class with you and all the way till now... count... it's like damn bloody 12 years i noe you... LOL!! still going forever of cuz! haha.. angry at times, happy at times... but friends still at all times.. Chat together and you and other ppl had given me a lot of advise through and fro of my life... I'm glad to have you and you guys as my friends to walk me thru hard times...
This 2 months will be a great one for you i can foresee... keke... lots of chin chon chan shit from china.. keke... Go there, have fun and yeah! always go there and noe ur purpose of being there...! don't always late for anything like ur attachment.. haha... Cool... will like to have a chance to go aboard but i can't though.. haha.. like who cares rite? LOL!!
Ok la... enough of gayness... Shall see you on the 18 Jan 2008... By the time you come back, who noes we might had change, for the better rite? =D Hope you have a safe trip and be careful whenever, wherever and anytime.. =D DAMN THIS 2 MONTHS WILL BE FAST RIGHT? haha.. ok la.. dude.. take care dude.. =)
Counting down of the days you r coming back man! hehe... SAFE TRIP MY FRIEND!! OAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, November 23, 2007
23 Nov 2007
Well.. it doesn't seems to be a special day for you guys out there though but it's filled with meaning 24 hourly...
First of all... Happy Birthday to WAYNE!! haha... never forget ur birthday dude.. keke... Hope your 19th birthday will be a great one and yeah! best of best to watever you do dude! haha.. AND YAH! wish me all luck in passing my driving.. LOL!!! Nevertheless... Happiest birthday dude... =D CHEERS!
If you are watching this Xiao Wei! haha... Happy birthday to you too!! haha... Never forget this day oso sia... has been a long time le... keke... Hope ur 21st birthday will be a special one (of cuz) and everything you do! happy jiu hao!! haha... =D
Will be a normal day for as far as i noe... but will i be normal reacting on watever that is coming towards me for today...? I hope... What am i suppose to do?
Today... the day... i Wished, I Hoped, I Wondered...
Thursday, November 22, 2007
22 Nov 2007 (Thursday)
IS day... very very slack... not much things to do and hand up... Which was cool... lol... 8.30am class starts with a left-over presentation from last week... some debrief on the presentation and here we are... getting our next presentation so soon den the rest of the ppl taking WISP.. LOL!.. which was good... our group has been chosen for the topic 'Where did the german conscience go? - Germany - 1930-1944' which involve hitler blah blah blah... haha... further studies needed! keke...
10am... human comm... rather the same old things... nothing much of a different.. just very lazy for the lesson though... haha... afterwhich... went makan with phy and KL and go back to labbing... LOL!! labbing till like 7pm and went to makan at bishan with WX.. haha... Have to settle dinner outside cuz parents are not in Singapore... sianzed..
Listening Now: Behexen - Beyond The Shadow Of My Lord
Hails! for now...
Damned Hour... Day coming nearer...
21 Nov 2007 (Thurs)
OK! got to school around 10.30am and help phy with the gel loading of sample... never did much cuz she did all the gel making den i just load.. which is quite simple la.. sianzed.. NO HELP IN THE END THOUGH!! sianzed.. well... will try harder tml... =D
Load gel, went for makan with hans and elwin... didn't eat cuz eat at home a bit liao... Slack and went back to the lab to retrieve the gel photo... which was damn good la the photo... haha.. the bands are like damn bloody nice... haha... first time we have this type of good gel.. all thanks to phy and me me me! haha.. jkjk.. Gotten the gels photos... went for our tutorial... was rather a short one... next stop.. head to tutorial of PSCT... Was a presentation though.. lol... All the group did quite well ultimately... nothing much to say about the presentation but yeah! at least we did a great job can le.. LOL!!
Tutorial was unusually long, which was 2 hours and the lecture of PSCT commences at around 3.30pm.. haha.. 30min lecture on the summarize of the presentation... was dozing off that period of time.. LOL!! 4pm... Proteomics time! haha... quite a lot of laughter going on cuz the lecturer was a crazy but yet interesting one.. keke.. OK! dozing off is a must though... haha.. early release from proteo around 5.15pm den head all the way home to finish up my slping... LOL!!
Slept at around 7.30pm (damned hour)... supposingly if nothing happens, i will be slping until the next morning.. too bad was awaken by the alarm door bell my mother pressed.. haha.. nv blame her.. just fated to wake up though... haha... chatted online, phone and yeah... stoning every now and den... dunno wat to do cuz dun feel like doing anything.. LOL!! sianz diao... common test in 2 weeks later.. how to survive sia... sianz diao...
Parents are going aboard to Hong Kong till Sunday and yeah... 3 brothers in an hougang flat unit... LOL!! Parents are departing around morning 9am i guess... Well.. one more thing, FABIAN!! haha.. one of my best friend ever since primary sch... LOL!! he is going to fly! to beijing for his FYP on the sunday.. going to miss this buddy of mine... haiz... sianzed.. however! going to have a must have supper before you make ur journey to CHINA... LOL!! which is on the sat! yeah! haha... ain't sure i'm going to work on that day or not cuz dun feel like going back recently.. LOL!... Working + schooling = Sianz and Tired = Fall sick easily...
Tomorrow's TO BE DONE thingy:
- Bring laptop and slack for WISP
- Do PCR for FYP until siao...
- Basically i oso dunno wat to do.. maybe study? keke...
Driving on the Friday, with my PDL yet extended.. LOL... sianzed...
Hereby wishing my parents a safe trip and have fun! haha..
For those who are sick, pls take care. For those who are unhappy, pls cheer up.
For those who are sick and unhappy, Pls dial my hotline... Which i'm not going to list it here.
What will you say till the time comes... Awaiting...
Listening: Insomnium - Mortal Share
I wished, I hoped, I wondered... but will it be?
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
19 Nov 2007 (MONDAY)
Woke up of cuz, if not will be a dead man... No breakfast for me upon waking up... NvM! go to school with the bus trip full of stomach roaring(yes, i meant ROAR)... Buay Tahan-ness, went to SIM and had my breakfast... 2 egg, 2 toast and one take away TEA-O! song song.. LOL!! Den stupid monday... always the 5 hours of laboratory piss ppl off due to the long hour... damn... but well.. the practical was a short one for some, long one for some... until all finishes, already 12.30pm liao.. damn! Rain rain rain! So, walk with Leon to Canteen 2 and makan with the MONDAY MAKAN MADNESS CREW! but well... pamela wasn't there though... sianzed.. LOL!! ok nvm... has had a salty lunch, pancake and drink... cool... lots of laughter expected and yeah! The Return of Neddely..... 's voice... LOL!! Hmm... had a quick lunch and went to my LT for lect... AS EXPECTED... doze off in the mids of the 1 hour lect... ok! time to change LT for lect again... but the same thing fails not to happen again.. LOL!!
After sch, went to town with phy to sort of service the phone but in the end sianz a thousand, repairing the phone is just like having a new phone... yeah... the pricing sux.. LOL!! ok! head down to woodland to go to QX house for projecting! do do do, tv tv tv, do do do... and i wrapped a box! haha... did some finalization for printing and went off early... home at 11pm... nuar until 11.30pm and head to azmil's house area to pump my stupid tires for my bicycle... unfortunately! the sign for the air pump : Sorry, our air pump is out of service. Damn tu lan.. nvm... alternative! go to lorong ah soo to get my bike fixed... LUCKILY!! the uncle was closing but think is becuz he saw my brother's bike... he change the tires for me... THANKS UNCLE!! haha...
Ride to Geylang makan, talk and headed home around 4am... nuar until 5am and started doing the printing till 6am... sianzed....
20 Nov 2007 (Tuesday)
went to sch have lab till 7.30pm and zhao... here am i!! updating!
Listening Now: Forgotten Tomb - Daylight Obsession
Let the sick be cured, Let the unhappy be happy
It's drawing nearer, what am i suppose to be....
Monday, November 19, 2007
12am MONDAY!!
Well... haha.. went to makan at Sembawang with parents again... LOL!! has been awhile again since i'm with them cuz these days was rather busy... Working, Schooling, Projecting. Very very sucky semester this is. Went to eat out around 8.30pm to 10pm... haha... Started doing some school stuff at 1030pm till now... LOL... must chiong school work le.. crucial timing.. 6th week somemore.. sianzed..
Hmm.. Monday! haha... which is oso a long day for me cuz i'm doing project after my lecture at 4pm... not going to work though.. LOL!!.. working kills... these days especially... HAHA... okok... sooo... should be having my usual 5 hours emo lab starting from 8am... going to wake up damn bloody early which is like 5 hours later... LOL!! sianed... den the best part of monday is always the MMM (Monday Makan Madness) haha... Heading to canteen 2 this time... keke.. which is good... cuz i nv go there for a lot time le.. going to buy a damn pencil case at the NP-Co.. haha.. den come back for 2 hour lecture lor... LOL!!..
Tomorrow will be a long day so not going to update tml... i suppose.. LOL!!
Listening Now: Gay Music
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Tonnes of Apologies to be made
16 Nov 2007 (Friday)
Driving at 9am right below my house... Cool... no need to go to eunos there and meet the uncle for driving... Driving was very good! haha... parking is like one short pass... LOL!! TP: 11Dec2007! haha.. Hope to pass that stupid TP so i dun need to waste money on it anymore... Onces and for all man... After driving, went to funan to get somethings (porch and cover) den head down to school...
Da Bao the Lunch and ate it outside the laboratory which looks kinda weird for me... SO! went to a isolated Staircase and have it.. LOL! makaned... FYP lab as usual and after which go and attend the talk for LSSS... SOrry phy once again for ps-ing you alone in the lab and go and work... was kinda late oso le.. haha...
Well.. the number of pax for the function indeed decreased and there's a number of taskforce being call off ever since the work has start.. sianz diao... lots of ppl sia... haiz.. Beth, kim choo and so on... OK! so worked until morning of cuz and got home damn late...
17 Nov 2007 (Sat)
Was going to meet up with phy and qx for the project... by the time i noe it, i slept until 9 plus le... feeling so headache and damn tired... i called phy and say i can't make it... Sorry phy and qx! this monday! ok? haiz.. ok... slept until the appropriate time to go to work... bought some things and went straight to work and makan... Well.. lots of ppl is working and cool! 5pm start work.. Was chosen for the OT until 4.30am... haha.. work work work work work.. non stop.. damn end up 4.30 is like too busy le... cannot 4.30am go home.. choose to stay on till 7am to help out cuz i'm not working on sunday... Work Work! den hired a taxi and went home... slept on the taxi... damn tired la.... haha... come home and slp around 8.45am...
Now the time is 7.45pm... which i just woke up not long ago... LOL!!...
For those who need to take care pls take care of urself! for those that i'm very sorry to, i'm real sorry!
Listening now: Dimmu Borgir - Eradication Instincts Defined (orchestral version)
Days are drawing closer...
Friday, November 16, 2007
Wasn't quite a present day to start off becuz nearly overslp... nothing much happen today cuz it is just pure 12pm to 6pm full of lessons... Nothing special happen today but early home... kind of thinking... The more i stay at home, the more things will come out from my brain... Well.. Nothing happen as i said... Properly some good thing that happen today is that i brought the topman bag to sch and yeah! lots of comments from friends but hello! it is purely from topMAN ok! right ivan? LOL!
but something happened in the late nite, which i myself can't believed that i've done it.. wat a man hardly do... phy i guess you noe wat i'm trying to say...
15 Nov 2007 (thurs)
Arrived in sch around 7.30am.. ppl were all late, even the lecturer to my amazed.. lesson starts at round 8.15am but this lesson was purely presentation... a 35% one.. haha.. done the presentation.. was a so so one.. with aid of phy, KL and darren.. i think you guys did a great job... for me.. haha.. i will try harder next time! =)
Ate at canteen 1 with phy... saw gracie(grace, haha.. like to call it that way), wendy and friends! haha.. sry that i nv chat much with you guys cuz haha.. was rather restless at that point of time... SORRY GRACIE!.. keke.. ok! the toughest shit me and phy even done... haha... go to the lab at around 10.30am and ended at 6.30pm... NON STOP ACTION ON THE LAB SIA! haha.. which was quite an achievement becuz our gels for PCR turns out to be good good good! haha.. GOOD JOB PHY! haha.. Went to town with leon... and sorry to drag you to town dude.. cuz i just can't be alone these days, yeah.. these days.. =D home at last and touch down at 11pm...
Best of luck to E for test for tml!
7 days counting from now...
you are not a let down to me right from the start.
I hope, i wish, i wonder...
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
FIRST of all:
Resolution Achieved?
1. Get back to my sch work as soon as possible cuz a lot of projects to deal with.
Starting to slowly of cuz.. LOL!! going full speed this week!
2. Kick off bad habits.
Yeah! first attempt today!! Leon you should noe! haha...
3. Sleep more often.
YEAH!! from merely 3 hours to 6 hours.. got increase hor.. today going to slp 10 hours i swear!
4. Be myself.
i am who i am!
5. Not going to blog this days.
TOO BAD, not achieved!
12 Nov 2007 (man(in chinese meaning slow) day)
Well well... Go to sch (but of cuz...) den den den... den slp on the bus till sch lor... attend stupid lab which have 2 times 3 hours break.. haha... sianzed.. nv went for early lunch though cuz meeting gracie, ned, pam and leon for lunch at PINES(alumni la).. 12.15pm... rushed to the PINES to go chop a place first.. haha.. around 1255pm like that the ppl all came! haha.. good good... start makaning, lot of crap... laugh till siao of cuz and not forgetting the green tank! haha.. The red tank is always better den the green tank! ahha... Eat till like until 2pm.. den zhao to lecture.. awake for the whole lecture and cool! haha...
SURPRISED! haha... from E who came all the way from all over the island to my sch, ngee ann poly just to pass me the present for our one month! Stun and happy of cuz for everything! A Topshop slang bag(well... properly going to use it on wed! LOL) and NUM green shirt! haha... well.. i guess it's time to change myself le! haha... LEON!! WAIT FOR ME!! i'm changing my image real soon! haha... Nevertheless again, thanks for E! for making my manday soooooooo surprised(really i do) and happy.. keke.. still on the bus looking stunned.. LOL!!
Thanks Gracie! for being part of the surprise behind the sence... keke.. and most properly LEON! thanks for keeping the secret of not telling me that E is coming ar! or else you kena disown liao i will be veri guilty one... keke... Once again... thanks E for the presents for our one month! Gonna learn how to bring it to sch... LOL!! which i'm going to bring the bag on wed! keke... Thanks all for making my manday a wonderful one.. keke.. Gracie! haha... that bag is a really long pencil case sia!! HAHA.. =D Happy Happy!
Got to town and scrolled... got home around 11pm... izzit or not ar? haha.. forgot le.. keke...
13 Nov 2007 (Tu day)
FYP... haha.. first thing... mother forget to wake me up! haha... end up in lab around 11am.. sorry phy! did lots of stuff for the whole day... den went to No Signboard at Esplanade(spelling?) to attend wei long's birthday! btw dude.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! 19 LIAO HOR! club one year enough liao ma? LOL!! Got home around 12am after the birthday makan.. LOL!!
Mood now: Average!
Listening now: Dissection - Night's Blood
slow, but i'm realising what's wrong with me now....
Sunday, November 11, 2007
2. Kick off bad habits.
3. Sleep more often.
4. Be myself.
5. Not going to blog this days.
Listening now: Burzum - En Ring Til Aa Herske
Condition: (Fill in the blank)
I am who i was.
This stops right here!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Long day again...
Well... feeling so blur and tired today... LOL... which wasn't so good of cuz... Well, reached sch around 7.30am den start FYP till 4pm... LOL!! siao siao sia... den afterwhich got LSSS talk for one hour... Head to town on my own (solo again) to check something out... Check already head straight home... Bo liao rite? LOL!!
Feeling so sick and giddy all these days and yeah... going to be more drained tomorrow cuz workin in the morning 7am... have to wake up at 5.15am, which is not a good thing.. LOL!! Sorry Darling for not talking too much cuz sore throat sia... sianzed..
Mood: Sux though...
Listening now - Burzum - Key to the Gate
Feel: to see her!
Condition: you name it, i think i have it...
Well.... Sick sick sick... broke broke broke... stress stress stress... everywhere is pumping stress into me... fucking sianz..
Love ya always...
i'm not my old self anymore... i'm changed from bad to worst... foolish me...
Damned, Emptiness.
Coming close to a weekend...
09 November 2007 (Fried-day)
It's a Fried-day, cuz supposingly having a talk at 4pm to 5pm... the whole day no lesson ya noe! haha... sianzed... friday should be a great day for us... like that burn off le.. sianzed.. okok... so going to wake up at 5.3oam den go to sch which the time now is 12am.. LOL!!
Haha.. sooo... To do list for tml...
- Go to the lab and do extraction for DNA for those growth on the medium
- go for the talk of cuz, which is a must...
- not to work
- Miss her and love her(not only for tml only ar!)
Well well... seems like tml will be a looooooooooooong day for a loooooooooooooong man again.. LOL!!
Mood: With her, everything is happy! HAPPY also for the 17th birthday gracie!
Listening now: Megadeth - Hangar 18
Feel: like seeing her right now!
Condition: Unavoidable headaches, Cough, Flu
Hope that i could talk more often to darl cuz these days like very busy for us... haiz... stupid timing.. when she busy i not busy... likewise for vice versa.. sianzed.. Darl! Love to you is only getting more no less every single day! 3 more days to one month with you!
Hails to all! Appreciate the blackest art!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Woot! holiday at last... SLP!!
Woke up at 10.30am and feeling restless still after 9 hours of slp... damn it, dunno wat happen to me sia... tired so fast... Went to sch at 12pm until 6pm... attend 2 tutorials, 2 lectures, all in a different damn bloody lecture hall/room... damned.. After 6pm.. chiong home and bath and get changed and go to celebrate Grace's early birthday at bugis Fish n Co... LOL!! See... i noe how to pian magic rite? LOL!! Well.. Happy 17th Birthday to you gracie! haha.. happy always and yeah! Monday Makan Mania rox! haha...
Rushed down from bugis to town to meet darling, wilson, aldrin, kim, huston, zi yang to go club... well.. firstly go to zouk... so many ppl... damn... cabs down to MOS... the crowd was ok... so ok lor.. went in.. damn sianz la... sticky and sweaty and congested like hell.. i suppose hell wasn't so bad compare to that of MOS's smoove... Well.. Darling's first time clubbing... seen so tired after we went out from the smoove and darl was so tired sia... can't blame... long day and little slp... painful heels somemore... zzzZZZ... cabs down to darling's home after that to my house... take care lots darl! reached home around 4.30am den slack till 6am cuz can't slp though...
8 Nov 2007 (Thursday holiday! DEEPAVALI!)
Thought can slp until veri late.. in the end woke up at 12pm den head to eunos MRT to learn driving... haiz.. tired sia... after which den go home lor.. of cuz... Sorry darl can't help you book the slot you wanted for this sat and next sat... too late already sia... haiz... ok.. update till here..
Mood: Happy with her of cuz!
Listening now: Creed - One Last Breath
Feel: Missing her already!
Condition: Sore Throat, Running Nose, Headaches, Giddy, Sleepy, Fever going to come i guess..
Still wondering wanna work for tml or not... need to stay in house leh... damn sianz... cuz sat working at 7am... haiz... darl's not working somemore.. sianzed... SUNDAY is free for me! haha... planned to study like im now... now? LOL!!
Beyond words to let you noe that how much i love ya darling!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Long FYP day
Reached school around 7.30am and went to makan at SIM canteen... was like awaken at around 530am... tired sia... LOL... Ok... so start my FYP project like from 8am till like 6pm.. well of cuz in between got slack all these la.. LOL... Darl lesson was like from 9 to 6pm... which was a long day for her though.. Met up with her in sembawang at 8pm den down to AMK find KIM... den end up in town buying Darl's Shoes... keke.. finally and luckily got one after choosing lots... den went around, wondering around den cab down to sembawang back... Darl was so sleepy and tired.. take care ya! Ok... simply that's all for today i guess..
Properly going to slp first rather den doing the quiz and stupid report for IL-2... this pain is killing me... Still wondering how could i still work for this sat's OC... properly not thinking of friday...
Mood: GOOD
Listening: Megadeth - Take no Prisoners
Feel: eLiZaBeTh!
Condition: 2 weeks of Lower abdomen pain, Headache, Flu
Monday, November 5, 2007
Damn highlighter!
5 Nov 2007 (Monday blue?)
Hmm... Woke up at 5.30am... rush here rush there.. den get into my father's lorry(happy lorry! for giant family!) with my eldest brother cuz he going back to reservice... den... the whole trip was like raining raining and and... rainning lor... reached boon lay there makan, den go pray, den go to brother's camp, den to my sch... Oh my, it's like 8.15am when i reached sch... rush rush rush... rushed to class and found out that i'm quite early as compared to other ppl... LOL!! heng ka lao sai... class ended early for the first time, like 10am? LOL!! cool man... went to makan with hans and elwin den meet up with lee yang, Gracie and NED! haha.. cool man... Went to megabite to eat, for them that is cuz i has had early lunch liao.. LOL!! of cuz... laughters and craziness throughout the lunch... lol... HAPPY! part ways and went to lect... damn... lend ipod from elwin but still could slp in the end.. damn... need to slp more le.. if not like that xia qu... byebye to good GPA... class ended at 4pm den took bus and zhao home...
Darling no sch today cuz she pon... haha.. quite worthless to go to sch though... 2 hour lect which can study at home one.. LOL!! german class oso cancel due to somethings happen to the teacher's child... so she sleep, slept, sloop(only appear in the language of Leonard)... LOL!! slept until like 4.30pm den call me.. haha.. predicted she will overslept cuz darl meeting her friend to buy something in town.. now have to pei brother to go and buy shoes at causeway.. keke...
Mood: good... GOOD!!!
Listening now: Anorexia Nervosa - The Drudenhaus Anthem
Feel: missing her already!
Condition: sleepy?
O Roy des cieux et Seigneur des Seigneurs
O ange des anges, toi que craignent tous les hommes en silence
Je suis l'ineffable et ton bras vengeur
L'unique salut de ce monde profane et sans grace
by: Anorexia Nervosa - The Drudenhaus Anthem
Sunday, November 4, 2007
UP 2 DAYS! (updates)
3 Nov 2007
Woke up at 3.15pm and was going to meet up with GF to go to work together... She took a cab down from Sembawang and i MRT-ed down to serangoon MRT so that it is cheaper or something.. LOL... so met up with her in the cab and to marina sq we go!... THANKS DARLING for the concern that you've shown by making the lemon honey drink for me cuz i'm like having a sore throat... LOVE YA TO THE FULLEST! haha... Sorry for not have QC(Quality Check) on the bottle i bought.. will do QC next time i buy something! haha... okok... reached MS around 4.45pm which was quite late for the work cuz suppose to come in at 5pm... dinner until 5.30pm and rush to ritz cuz siew siew sms saying the four of us (aldrin, gf, Kim and me la..) when changed finished our uniform go meet khor... Well.. definitely in deep shit... but haiz... sianzed... Got some saying from khor to me and aldrin and i was forced to work OT till 3.30am... Sorry darling and thanks for understanding... GF worked until 12am cuz too tired... den can't send her off cuz tio aim le.. LOL... in the meantime... rushed to wash the pink bottle and made a honey water for GF... and gave it to her of cuz, cuz she's is like coughing these days... bad bad bad... take care wor.. ok.. so darling reached home and i did until 3.30am and went home... reached at 4.30am and slept at 5.30am...
4 Nov 2007 (sunday)
Woke up at 12.30pm... not late but was rushing to meet up darling, aldrin and kim for studying... reached changi airport at 1.30pm den eat there... eat until 3pm (long sia) den decided to go to aldrin house to study cuz no electrical plug for laptop using... did until like 7pm den rush down to town to meet wilson, kian pong, cherlyn for dinner... dinner till 8.30pm den walk walk the whole town... took a bus with darling, aldrin and kim 167 back to darling's house... send darling home and cab home cuz of the stupid rain... well... darling call me to take a cab oso though... so ok la.. rain.. you not stupid ok? lol... lame.. take care wor and don't fall sick tml ok?
Listening now: Puddle of Mud - Blurry
Condition: Sleepy
Sorry darling was tired after working ytd so today a bit sleepy... and also... LOVE YOU LOTS AND TAKE GOOD CARE WOR... MISSING YOU EVERYDAY, EVERY MINUTES AND EVERY SECONDS!!! =D THANKS for ur mum's homemade dessert (duno how to spell), it was NICE!! haha... Sworn to make something nice next time for you... LOL!!! keke...
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Never Felt so GOOD!
Things to do on 4 Nov:
- Human Comm.
- Flowchart
- Verniculture Project
- IS project
- Probably Study?
Mood: GOOD!
Listening now: Malevolentia - Les Saveurs de la Mort
Feel: GREAT!
Condition: AWAKEN! coughing still... LOL!!
Finally, i foresee long sleeping hours....
2 November 2007 (Friday)
Slept at about 4am if i'm not wrong... Woke up at 10.15am and found that it is kinda late... Sorry Phy, my project partner, that i nv did much for today... i wrote out an outline of wat to do and wt to prepare le... we shall do everything on tuesday ok!? =D Ok... did some discussion with a business sch guy and kl qx with the IS human com.. haha... discuss till 1pm den go makan... makaned and go back to lab to continue with some lab stuff till 4pm.. went to the talk at LT 79... damn man.. was a wasteful one... slept thru it of cuz.. den rush to work... went to sakae bought GF sushi to eat... poor thing sia.. until 6pm den need to rush down to work with laptop... damn... wish i was there at least to carry for her or something..
Work work... report at work at 6.30pm, well... totally blur or everything cuz event was quite complicated though... sianzed... GF report at 8pm... she was energetic in the event but was tired was the guest dancing... WELL!! at least tml starts 5pm... rest more wor GF! Event was a great success of cuz, nothing special happen though... LOL!! GF took the bus home at 1am, i stayed for the OT at 3am... Hmm... she probably too tired le, forgot to message me.. haiz... i got home of cuz at around 4am den updating now lor.. lol...
Hmm.. yet to book for tml though... well... Gf tell me not to work tml morning so work the same timing with her lor... lol... Gf... cheer up these days! I believe that i/we can see the real smile coming from you and happy always... CONQUER THE MOOD SWING! i will be there for you always...
Listening now: Nickleback - Far Away
Feel: So miss her still!
Condition: Bruises and sleepiness...
HAILS dudes!
Friday, November 2, 2007
Updates!!!! episode 3
1 Nov 2007 (Stupid Thursday)
Stupid idiot spastic November had just started! Nothing much this month though... just feel like saying this is a stupid month.. haha... Well! This month ar? planning to..... Study! WOrk! AND SLP!! haha... haven't catch some good slp ever since the stupid teeth starts the infection... damn... OH! keep on track... Woke up at 6am... feel damn energetic cuz i woke up on my own though... slept at 11pm the day before cuz i really buay tong.. haha... Sorry gf for not waiting for you to got home!! Well as i mention, the water bottle i bought le! cuz got sore throat den temptation to buy la.. sorry sia.. sorry cuz you say that 'ni mai le ni jiu si ding le...' But thanks oso for having thought of buying one for me and noe i will go for the same one... Thanks GF!! love ya lots! okok... continue.. too drifted away... okok... woke up at 6am(few sentences ago say liao), board the freezing ice colded bus at 6.30am and reaches sch at 7.30am which was quite early for a 8am class.. watever... the whole bus trip surprisingly i nv slp sia... cool.. haha.. den went to attend the IS modules... i nv slp thru out!! GOOD!! was quite attentive for the whole 4 hours of lecture... haha... good good...
OK!.. was let off at 11.30am... chiong to learn driving at eunos... Sorry qiu xia, KL and wei xin... probably hans and elwin for pang seh you guys for lunch... Drove circuit today at the Comfort Driving Center... was quite interesting, not much of problem though... haha.. good good.. Stupid TP is at damn bloody 11 Dec 2007... REMEMBER GUYS!! pass fail i will say one! don't worry!.. haha... heard that mich!! =D anyways.. congrats for passing.. =D
Learn until like 3.15pm den rush to bugis to work... bugis?... no la.. still part of ritz carlton.. but OC.. haha.. leon took my ezlink to exchange for pass and vouncher so i go there to work can le.. lol.. worked until like 11pm... everything went smoothly as usual... den go makan at makansutra till 12am... in time to board the bus and now home and updating lor..
Listening now: Dissection - Beyond the Horizon
Condition: Better now
Hmm.. guess that gf is not in the mood these days cuz the blog shows a lot of things happen to her... well.. Be strong and let tml be a happy day for you sweetie! ok? don't worry, i will always be there for you...
666 hails 666
666 Hails 666
666 HAILS 666
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Updates!!!! episode 2
30 Oct 2007 (Tues la)
Hmm... went to the lab around 9.30am... cuz i go and print something that's y 9am.. lol... 7.30am board the bus, GF called and say she is still veri early to even start sch... haha... i'm like veri late though.. LOL... but who cares? it is free and easy FYP timing... but got lots of stuff to do though... went to the lab, was totally devastated cuz of the lack of slp.. lol... after the lab work around 5.30pm, chiong to work place and work till 2am... was rather energetic during operation hours... think the body clock turns its time to nite le.. LOL... as mention, OT till 2am.. the whole nite was raining which was good... went home... did some work... research and presentation slides... which was rather half hearted cuz of the tiredness.. tried to do the report but i dun understand a single shit out of that... sorry guys for copying ur things... gonna work harder next time.. for me that is of cuz...
31 Oct 2007 (Wed TODAY la)
Woke up at 10.15am, rose up from the bed and put my feet on the floor and stand up(dumb sentence)... walk to the bathroom and ..... and brush my teeth and wash my face, mouth... off laptop, pack bag, rush to bus stop take a bus to sch... LOL... 12pm lesson but i dunno the venue... And something more stupid is that i actually went randomly to that place and walk around the correct classroom and asked darren where is that place... saw wei xin went heading back to the lift and she is like pointing over that side.. LOL... it is the classroom i have been scrolling like 10mins... LOL.. tutorial... rather a sleepy one.. LOL..den LSSS... no presentation... was like wtf la... prepare le den next one is me den call it a day... zzzZZZ... went to lecture until 6pm... head to vivo city to buy something... took a 61 bus and slept thru till vivo... 7pm sia.. LOL.. scroll there... and bought the thing i wanted... headed home and gf called when i'm on my way back.. keke... YEAH!! saw qi zhu and her friend at the vivo city kopitiam eating... joined them to eat cuz i was like alone eating myself... LOL... chat along and yeah.. haiz.. ritz carlton like getting lesser ppl le... keep on banning ppl... sianzed.. right 7 pig? LOL... ok.. home le.. updated le... and and and.....
Tohu Tehom Theli Than Leviathan Tanin'iver Taninsam!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Went to work straight after the LSSS which was purely dumb... GF got work on the friday so oso work on that day lor... lol... reported at 6.30pm den work on to like 8 plus to wait for gf to report... was late due to traffic... luckily she ate already... Den all of us were chosen for OT... cool... Too bad i go throw away the Pancake i bought for her in the evening cuz i thought she nv eat den come work... so she was like cannot eat for the supper... bad bad... was a normal day but unusual hour until 4am... everyone was tired and went home... normal day.. nothing much happen... bought gf a milo and off she went with the cab in a harsh...
27 Oct (sat)
Was about to go and seek a doc... think twice... the doc will say the same thing, so must as well dun waste the money and do watever i think i'm supposed to do... last min booking and report at 7pm... slept previously from 6am to 5pm... shiok... but was sick... coughing all along... damn sianz.. feverish in the morning but was OK in the evening... Did OT till 4am and stayed IN house.... brought all the necessary and go there stay over.. Was going to chiong the next morning 8am working but gf say dun so chiong.. ok lor.. haha.. 10.30am! haha... brought my homework over to ritz and did it on the hardwork cafe.. haha... officially slept at 6.45am...
28 Oct (sun)
Woke up at 10am... felt zombie-ed and went to brush up and head to work... first thing i see on the floor plan... serve VIP... sianz diao la... send a zombie to serve a minister.. in the end.. dunno wat i'm doing throughout the lunch.. haha.. but at least nv crop up.. too bad gf wasn't working.. cuz she got german quiz test on the next day... but luckily i found one replacement just in time... THANKS TAMMI! haha... will repay ur kindness somedays! haha.. Turn over after the lunch... great success.. fast enough to be release to go makan... lol... wear my tux and go chiong work again.. lol.. was smooth enough... work OT till 1am and took a cab home with leon, fab and jie wen cuz leon felt tired..
29 Oct (Mon)
Never slp though... touch up my homework... den end up nv slp lor... Head to sch as usual with bus... message gf and just about to reach the third bus stop.. i doze off liao.. lol... all the way to ngee ann poly there.. good good.. luckily nv slp too much, just in time.. lol.. reach the SIM canteen.. bought somethings to eat and drink and worn the labcoat... gf called... she was late and rush down with cab... lol.. sianz diao.. german quiz was a success from wat she said.. cool... lol... had my lesson until 4pm... slept everywhere, anytime.. lol... Met up with NEDDELY, GRACE, PAMELA and LEON for lunch.. lol... have a great chat at megabite and well... too tired to joke around though.. lol... after lunch went to lect... slp... LOL... received called from GF just right after my last lect ended... so zhun sia.. lol... *Went down from the 74 bus and just nice at the bus stop to wait for bus to town... reached plaza sg within half an hour and met up with GF, JIA LING and JOYCE... lol...* Scroll around part of plaza sg and decided to go to town.. have lots of fun and they bought their stuffs... for CHARMAINE, whose birthday is like on the 30 Oct... though i nv see you in real life before... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! haha... 17th birthday ya? haha... after which, part ways from joyce and board the north-south line to send GF home with jia ling too, who stays at admiralty? lol... both of them slept thru the mrt journey... for me? oso almost doze off... haha.. super tired... lol.. alight at sewbawang(but of cuz) and jialing continue on to admiralty mrt... reached home around 10pm though... lol.. done a lot of article reading and went to slp around 1am...(UPDATED at 31/10/07!!! haha...) <--- gf's flavour colour? LOL
Mood: High (never slp for like 40 hours le... zombie-nated..)
Listening now: Gay chinese songs..
Missing: her always!
Conditon: Haywired brain, coughing, headache.............
Love ya gf lots!! 18 days with you! haha...
Not forgetting... HAILS and stay 666.... lol...
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Sick days.... like so f up...
Nothing happen these days... so yeah... blog NOT!!
Mood: Moderate?
Listening: Megadeth - Hangar 18
Condition: Sick, Cough, Sore throat, slight feverish... damn..
nevertheless.. HAILS!!!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
The Nothingness Post
What you bring to me, is pure emptiness and pain....
Love ya lots gf gf gf!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
GF birthday over...
I noe that saying a thousand sorry is useless to make things up like these.. just want you to enjoy ur birthday though.. I just couldn't think of anything better to give... i'm so stupid not to figure out what's the thing that you wanted... so stupid.. i'm trying hard to think these days but i was rather busy working or tired.. Forgive me, for how stupid and dumb i could be...
Nevertheless... hope you have a happy 18th birthday and yeah! Happy days, months, years ahead!!
22 Oct (Monday)
Went to sch as usual, but never slp and go to sch again... how many days has pass just like these without slping... Went to school yeah, Doze off at lab and never did that 10% assignment.. damn it... how could i forget this type of thing... Copied phy's work... felt very bad about it... SORRI PHY!! was giddy, sleepy, sick...
Went to makan with Grace, Neddely and PAMELA for lunch! haha.. hell lots of laughter again... NEW RECRUITMENT!! PAMELOOOOO!! haha.. welcome to the Monday Lunch Laughter Team... ahha... Lots of fun during the one hour break... Have had chicken chop which neddely and pamela bought for me and grace... thanks a lot! haha.. den help them buy the Bubble tea... Starts from the stupid small pearl... trimming of the pearl to become small small one.. LOL.. and lots of disgusting FACT i made out... lol... PENGUIN TOO!! even the small packet of tissue paper i oso dun let off.. LOL....
Separate ways we went.. me as usual.. to the top of the hill and attend the one hour lecture... was attentive but still doze off in the last few minutes.. LOL... went to lecture 68B and have PSCT... lesson wasn't so bad... understandable...
After the lesson, went to town around 4pm with leon.. look out for somethings to buy for her... End up nv buy anything cuz still undecisive... went to MS and met up with fabian, jie wen... scroll around MS and still yet nothing.... ok... nvm.. report to work at 7pm... was totally devastated... no voice, no mood, totally not the day to work... work till 2am... den taxi home...
23 Oct (Tuesday) *impt
Which was today! Elizabeth's birthday.. I was sick in the morning and felt feverish... nv bother to check the stupid degree and sms phy that i couldn't come.. sorry phy... for everything... Glad to have you as my FYP partner.. haiz... slept from 4am to 3.30pm... Feel that the time slp still not enough... felt feverish still... took a bath and rush down to town and get the stuffs ready.. Bought Chocos, Hp charm and the Birthday cake...
Stupid swensen for disallowing outside food to be brought in... go change ur fucking (nv say bad word but i typed them... lol) management la... Elizabeth need to reach sembawang by 10.30pm.. becuz of that outside food they say, it delayed.. sorry gf.. for the time delayed.. Part ways and and and... that's all...
Stupid me for not being sensible... Stupid me for not being smart enough... Stupid me for being so useless... stupid me.... totally Stupid...
Mood: -Blank-
Listening now: Dissection - Dark Mother Divine
Feeling: missing her lots..
Condition now: Feverish, Coughing, Sore Throat, Swollen Eyes, Sleepy but dun feel like slping, Headache......
Haiz... Practical and Obvious... is it so fucking hard for you to figure out huh Leonard.... dumb you...
333 <--- half evil... hails...
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Will combine the update together somedays cuz i think i'm going haywire due to lack of slp and in sick condition...
Mood: Happy for her
Listening now: Dissection - Night's Blood
Feeling: to see her right away!
Condition: Sore throat, Flu, Headache, body aches. Eventually these will lead to fever i suppose... which please! i dun wan... at least after this important day............!
Monday, October 22, 2007
4 Days of chiong to Ritz, Still to come!
This coming week:
Mon (new) - 7pm
Wed (new) - 7.30pm
Fri - 7pm
Sat - still considering...
Sun - 10.30am
Woohoo.. lots of working days rite?... this week again, is another hell week.. sianz... okok.. UPDATE!!
21 Oct (sunday)
Was very tired after 7 hours of slp though... Awaken, chat with gf online cuz she going to town... by right going to have sakae with her parents in the end not... hmm.. she bought a watch too! haha... well.. went to the town earlier as for me... to go for window shopping.. haha.. met up with wei long and leon... den scroll the whole town a while den go to marina sq to meet up with fabian and jie wen... decided to be late by 30min from work.. we scroll part of marina sq.. haha..
Went to work... a bit lam nuar.. just only waiting for the time to hit 12am and all zhao... nothing much happen today for the indian wedding except that it starts late and end veri late... so i decided not to OT.. LOL.. after 12am.. went to makan sutra to eat with jie wen, wei long and fabian.. ahha... den head on to the 1am bus and zhao!
Thanks to the ppl who came out with the help but i really can't accept it even though i need it... just like me pass this week and everything will be fine.. ok? thanks a lot guys... =D
AND HMM!!! someone's birthday is on tomorrow.. wonder who she is!? Hahah... anyways... celebration at swensen... hope all can come.. LOL...
Sunday, October 21, 2007
2 days 1 night in Ritz Carlton, Again....
Thursday - 4pm to 2.30am (10.5 hours)
Friday - 12pm to 2am (14 hours)
Saturday - 7am to 2am (19.5 hours)
Soon to come:
Sunday - 5.30pm
Friday (26Oct) - 7pm
Saturday (27 Oct) - Maybe
Sunday (28Oct) - 10.30am
Crazy weekends... no school for the friday and half day for the thursday... went chionging to work and work and work.... eventually later going to work again... hopefully no OT... cuz i dun wanna fell aslp again in lect... wat a waste...
Nothing much to update this days, but if you wanna noe more about how do i spend in the working place... was fun, tiring, sad... Countless days of sleepless nites, cuz i think too much le.. haiz.. basically nv slp from thursday working to sat, which is now.. sianzed...
Well.. haha... my mother sms-ed me something i should say, sweet and caring, cuz she noe i'm working for the dental fee and pocket money for my own... and say a lot of things which i shall not mention.. Just that sms, makes me go another step further to work and brought me alive while i'm feeling down at work... Thanks mum! =D
Lots of things happen during these days... FUN/SAD oso have.. you name it...
As for my dearest gf, i will always love you no matter what it takes... i noe i'm a bit too naggy and
Mood: What do you think? never slp so long still got mood ar? siao?
Listening Now: Saosin - Bury Your Head
Miss: her...
Conditon: Brain that doesn't function properly and mouth that is uncontrolably trying to talk so to keep myself awake..! Sore throat coming... i can feel it.... going to be sick soon... let's hope not... i still got one working day to fight...
Well, Never listen to black metal quite long (days?), but kept on listening to Dissection's Reinkaos album.. haha.. that album was nothing but perfection... Hmm.. you guys noe wat i'm wanna say.. HAILS! haha... 666
Missing the one......
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Schedule for this week!
17 Oct (Wed)
Desmond birthday! haha... Wasn't there to celebrate with him or something cuz of stupid schooling... too bad dude.. but nevertheless, all best in watever you do... stay healthy and pls quit smoking.... lol...
Woke up at 11am today... dragged until like 11.30 den start to walk slowly to the bus stop and take a bus to school... going to meet phy and the rest at the np bus stop... hmm.. tired of waiting, rush my way to the stupid tutorial room which was like 6 floor and i climbed the stupid stairs la.. damn tired and pissed.. after the tutorial, went to lect 68B for the 4 hours lect.. damn.. tahan the first 3 hours of lecture... den got a tok from a professor from university of queensland... tahan the 30min and slept for the 30min... the tok was a killer... dunno y will doze off... try hard to listen but doze off.. well... wat a waste.. was quite interesting to listen but in the end oso doze off here and there...
Not much things happen today... stupid undergrd lecture hall just sux cuz no reception sia.. gf called me 4 times den reached outside of the lect hall den all the messages start to come.. sianz... well... gf went to town, cut her hair... say wat cannot go to work? haha.. lets see... LOL
Starting from tml will be busy again... journey to ritz carlton..LOL.. well here's the schedule...
Working Schedule:
Thursday: 5pm (after driving go down straight.. think bearly got time)
Friday: 12pm (Dentist appointment at 10.30am at hougang... check liao where got time to rush down?)
Saturday: Morning (Dunno how early can it be... but going to work ballroom after the OC)
Sunday: 5.30pm (this one i got nothing to complain.. LOL)
School Hours
Monday: 8am to 4pm
Tuesday: Free timing (FYP)
Wednesday: 1pm to 6pm (sianz)
Thursday: 8am to 12pm (shiok)
Friday: 12pm to 5pm (one lesson, 3 hour break, one lesson... wtf)
HAILS... no update for the weekend... LOL!!! HAIL HAILS!!! 666
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Working, here i come again.... sIaNz
16 Oct (Tuesday)
Second day of school, or should i say it dun even have any lecture or lab practical.... totally only FYP FYP FYP... went to the lab like 10.30am which was quite normal timing during the holidays... step in the lab, wear shoes, den HANS told me to go makan... YEAH!! at least he noes wat i'm thinking though.. LOL... take off shoes and went to makan at SIM... rather less people cuz not at peak hour.. LOL... eat eating ate, den proceed back to the stupid lab to do things liao lor...
Finally noe how to do the DNA extraction thingky... but well.. no pellet though... hope the gel photos runs well for us.. LOL... lum nuar the whole day, talk de talk, play de play, emo de emo, work de work... Decided to meet up with gf to go makan outside... cool! happy happy! Thanks to her, my bus trip wasn't a sleepy one cuz she called up and chat with me... LOL... okok... did all the work until 5pm... zhao! went to take a 74 bus which was damn cold... nvm about the coldness, nice to slp la! overslept one stop after AMK mrt stop... first time overslept in my whole life... was veri tired though... haiz... manage to got YCK mrt to meet up with gf... den she say go to plaza singapura to meet up with min jia, kim, and ALDRIN! haha... well well.. ate there of cuz at the ra mian resturant which i fail to noe how to type the name.. ...... watever?
Went separate ways after dinner, all head home and for me? took an mrt home.. got home like 9.10pm which was quite early.. gf told me not to pei her home cuz got min jia pei her home so.. ok lor... haha.. Well.. going to lah kopi now after blogging now! haha...
Mood: Moderate...
Listening RIGTH now: Dissection - God of Forbidden Light
Thinking: HER!
Condition: Still in sleepy mood =X
Well.. have to say this... i might NOT have the time to go out this days cuz i have to work and save money for my infected tooth which cost me quite a lot... Firstly, sorry for my poly friends who are going out to Zoo in friday... i can't promise you guys to go out so i nv reply you guys... sorry... Secondly, to gf... i will try my best to chat with you always i have the time these days ok? have to been thru this stupid last operation of this tooth which cost like a bomb... haiz.. sorry...
HMMM!! stupid things aside, goodbye sleeping hours, hello banquet... haha.. i'm going to work like Leon's timing this week i guess...
Thursday : 5pm
Friday : 5.30pm (got appointment in the morning)
Saturday : 5.30pm
Sunday : 5.30pm
(Haven't book but roughly there)
Nevertheless, LAH KOPI time and yeah... HAILS TO ALL!! LOVE YA GF!
First Day of School.... SUX
12 Oct (friday)
Went to school to attend the stupid PPP which turns out to be interesting but i still go and slp though.. lol.. dun blame me ar... Never slp the whole day liao leh... somemore was at the LOSER (kian pong) chalet... haha... Wasn't nice to slp over there cuz it is too humid and dirty though.. haha.. soooooo... faster go off and head to mac and eat the breakfast... eat liao faster go take MRT from pasir ris to DOVER!... MRT too crowded... slp oso got problem sia.. damn... reached sch around 8.40am.. which was not the bad... still got time to go slp in the toilet... =X okok.. PPP starts... S L E E P! haha... not to be blame again cuz i'm trying hard not to slp... LOL...
After the PPP, rush down to ritz for working where ELIZABETH and FIONA is already working liao... in the morning that is.. cool... for the past days, the problem just lies on this stupid damn friday becuz of not enough LOCAL staff... wat i heard was 20 foreigners and 2 chinese (Elizabeth and fiona that is.. LOL)... hmm... so i didn't choose OC, but instead went to IN house and work lor... BUT BUT BUT!! things work out to be very nice in house even though it is table service.. not that bad wor.. haha.. Did OT for that day and she was kinda angry.. sorry! unavoidable for that day.. haiz... She went home and i did OT.. sianz.. feeling so sianzed...
1 day!
13 Oct (Saturday)
Met up with Elizabeth cuz she is not meeting her friends anymore... went to eat some ramian resturant which is not that bad.. NOT bad only ar.. money paid at ur own risk ar... LOL.. bo bao nice or not one... head to work after which and blah blah blah... Never did OT and lots of people asking why... haha.. name was up on the list but i go erase though... Has been a long time nv work OT le.. lol... Promise her not to work OT and went out and eat lor...
Well... sat was the day which Grace and Neddely say that it is their last day? well well.. haha.. we shall see though but nevertheless... if you guys ain't coming back or something... all the best and haha... shall see you all in sch often... which i did TODAY(15 oct)... haha... Was treated a donut they bought... veri touched to have people like them working in ritz... brings friendliness to another step... =D HMM!! heard that they OT without getting paid until 2am... just to have 2 hour chatting and photo-taking with the people in ritz.. haha.. okok! continue...
Went to geylang and eat you tiao and beancurd with wilson, kian pong, aldrin, kim, cherlyn, min jia... not bad.. quite hot... veri sweaty.. haha.. cabs down... cabs up to town to catch a movie though.. lol.. Watched The Brave One(should be like that spell ba... watever) and it is a sleep-inducing show... meaningless.. haha... watched until 5.30am den wait for the 6am cab... head down to sembawang with Elizabeth, Min jia and Kim.. reached elizabeth house around 6.45am.. luckily she nv get scolding from parent... =D Planning to take an MRT and bus home cuz that day's expenses was a bit hefty... haha.. but before taking an MRT, can't imagine i went to eat breakfast at mac my ownself.. Lol... gay sia... haha... REACHED home around 8.30am and slp slp slp
2 days!!!
14 Oct (sunday)
Woke up around 2.30pm officially to prepare all the things to head down to sembawang to pass something to elizabeth from her brother.. haha.. den we went separate ways.. she went to shopping with his friend, an army dude which was cool, noe Dr Forday sia.. LOL... den i head to town and meet up with leon first.. others slowly join the group.. late as expected but nvm.. LOL.. Decided to go to THE ONE(singing place) and sing sing sing...
Elizabeth was in town with min jia oso, but headed home around 11pm... So... went back to sing sing sing singapore! Last song! was like from 2.45am to 3.30am we r all having the last songs.. LOL... cabs home and touch down at 4.30am... bath and did some miscellanous stuff until 5.30am and notice there is no free time to slp... OK! nv slp... sit in the sofa and doze off a while to like 6.45am.. omg... late late late...
3 days!!!!!!
15 Oct
Officially Leon's birthday and hey! wishes are unlimited man! all the best to u and ur studies and work work work study study study together in ngee ann and ritz!! haha.. okok... nv slp for the day... head to sch.. 5 damn bloody hours of brain juice extraction from human DNA... was not feeling slpy though but until the 2pm lecture... i practically slp thru the whole shit and well.. i did try hard to open my eyes to pay attention.. haha.. NOT!!
Met up with Grace and Ned for lunch which i already have had some... LOL... well.. those two so far, r the easiest of all to make them laugh.. haha.. a proper meal of BAN MIAN which could be finished around 20min i dragged it to around 50mins.. LOL... but well.. was good chatting and enjoy laughters with you guys.. keke... PROMISE next time i will go to canteen one to find you guys.. LOL!!!
4 days!!!
That's all that happen for the past days of last holidays.. LOL... sianz sianz sianz... sch reopen with STONE COLD teachers all around stoning ppl with their voice... SIANZ FACTOR!
MOOD: hmm... GOOD!
Listening now: Dissection - Reinkaos Ablum
Condition: was a bit headache in the afternoon.. feeling better after some nap.. which i think i could even slp right now cuz the nap was like 7 hours.. LOL
Hmm.. photos will be up somedays which i said like months ago... care to wait another few months? LOL!!!
For the friends in the lecture hall around 3pm! we shall exterminate, eliminate, ERASE those people that are soooooooooooo noisy and NOISY STILL!!! WE SHALL BRING THEM TO THE END!
666 HAILS!!! 666
LOVES ET! =D Always happy with YOU!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Soon, but yet long
Soon, but yet long. Every minute seems to be so hard to pass.
I'm trying not to be tired...
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Thanks for all the friends around me which guide me along this path of neverending road...
That day will come, i suppose... Let me really feel that you as the god do really exist in this world..
I've hoped, I've wished, I've tried...
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Sleepless days...
This week is very important to me i shall say... ok... sooooooooooooooo.... just here to update a bit though... not much... cuz i think the rest of the weekends will be working and staying over at the workplace though.. haha.. hardly see my parents these days due to working.. sad... just hope that the holiday will go on and on and nv end even though i'm involve in the fyp... at least i could work and enjoy... and properly the most important thing... is to see you...
Well.. i'm actually updating this right now at 6.40am... i'm working at 12pm though... haha... sianzed... but nvm... yet to book this coming week but well.. these days are not confirm cuz due to the FYP... haha.. sux though but well, no choice...
OC this coming friday, yet to check whether wat time to go to sch for that stupid graduation talk or something or watsoever.. haha.. dun care dun wanna noe and just feel like working..
Mood: dunno
Listening now: nothing
Condition: sleepy, weak, sleepy x1000
Resolution: minimize bad word/vulgarities until no more... haha..
update till here and hope to update sooner or later... zhao... HAILS!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
26th Sept
Gone for Driving early in the morning 9.30am.... from my house to somewhere den go learn parking all these... on the road was ok, rather perfect though... parking was still a whole lot of messy movements till i almost reversed and kill the instructor.. LOL... Lesson was OK though...
After the driving lesson, went to the stupid dentist to get my filling done for the stupid F up teeth of mine... Cost a bloody $1800 in total for just one F-ing teeth... haiz... so broke this days... Done with the filling within 5 mins and nothing much happen though... at least the pain is at ease and can chew on things liao.. haha..
Went to sch after dentist den find out not much things to do... so went to help phy to collect the free desktop from Acer with wei xin.. bus down to the ACER, cab down to phy's house.. played the dog of phy's a while den go home... reached hougang around 8.10pm den went straight to play bball with the rest... zhi fan, cedric, fab, wei quan, etc... lights off and head home for dinner i should have eaten at 7pm.. lol...
Bath and did some miscellanous stuff... here am i stoning in front of the laptop.. lol... Hmm... got lots of things to do online tml, including IS enrolment thingky, Medical checkup booking date... and so on... stupid stupid stupid... luckily not waking up early tml... tmd... SLP UNTIL SONG!! haha...
Mood: Ok la...
Listening now: Vargsang - Deathyell Of Extermination (NEW)
Condition: F-up Teeth, not-seems-to-be recovering ankle, headache still...
Hmm.. photos lacking this days... unless you wanna see wat i do in the lab lor... all agar plates that is.. sianz one leh.. lol...
Till the next time... HAILS!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
NO time, NO post
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
FYP, Work, SICK!!!
Being Moody these days too... dunno y.. haiz.. fuck up....
Resolution: Kick off bad habits right away from today onwards...
HAILS... till next time i post!
Sunday, September 2, 2007
One week of FYP over...
These days are just going to the lab and do some work on the actinomycetes thingky, going to work, and slacking at home... that's all.. not much thing sia.. lol.. Hmm.. just update the recent date ba...
31 Aug
End of the month, but still in the lab... it's teachers' day, but i nv went to the secondary sch to visit the teacher... sianz... Did some checking of the cultures for our project and proceed to Bedok to collect soil. Went to bedok central to makan first den go to the prison school site to collect some soil... Sianz sia.. totally full of mosquitoes sia... Next, we went to the bedok reservior and found out that we are at the park instead... lazy and tired, we decide to stop digging soils.. lol... went back home after that and slept at 8pm...
1 Sept
Woke up at 12pm and yeah, working tonite though... cool... ate my lunch and went back to slp again... until like 3.30pm.. haha.. slp not enough one.. lol.. den go to city hall and meet leon first den go work.. suppose to work at 5pm but we dunno... but still, we are 5pm.. lol.. good good.. worked until like 3am den zhao liao... siao sia.. the next day's event is like 1200 pax, 120 tables... imagine how squeezy it is... FUCK... lol...
2 Sept
Awaken at 11.15am... going to driving later at 1pm.. lol... sooooooooo.. updating now lor.. haha..
Listening now: Tsjuder - Kill for Satan
Condition: Suckx
Photos NO no no...
Saturday, August 25, 2007
20 Aug
Exam finishes at 4pm... before that was in sch at 8am to ask qns and get ready for the paper.. lol.. but den at least the exam is finished.. this is the first paper and my last paper cuz i only got one exam paper though.. others were test.. lol.. After the exam, head to inokii and get my KILL FOR SATAN by Tsjuder.. woohoo! finally collected it! haha.. BLACK METAL FOR THE NITE! haha.. Hmm.. den went to chinatown and meet the girls and grab a bite there.. errr.. not bad... hokkien prawn mee.. which i like had it the whole week from different places.. lol.. den all head home to watch the bao jia wei guo.. lol.. den i suggest to watch it on the cuz miss the previous episode though.. lol.. SO.. that's the end of the day.. went home and crunchyroll until like 5am..
21 Aug
Nothing much happen, slp entirely the whole damn day which i haven't done it quite a couple of days.. lol... hmm... nothing nothing
22 Aug
Work Work... haha.. officially back to Ritz for work today... Work morning 9am... slack and eat, eat and slack... totally slacken until nothing to say.. haha... was release from work like 7pm? haha.. den! head to wheellock place.. to get my CRUMPLER BAG! haha.. finally sia! haha... thanks leon for lending money! haha.. will return i promise! haha.. no more 5 years! haha..
23 Aug
Work at 5.30pm.. totally slacken again cuz it is cocktail reception.. nothing much to do lor.. haha.. nothing nothing again
24 Aug
Slp Slp Slp Slp Slp
25 Aug (Today)
Working at 5.30pm... but i wake up at around 7am becuz slp the whole day on the 24th.. lol... hmm.. went to play bball on my own around 10.30am to 11.30am.. finally can do 7 pull-up at ease.. haha... NAPFA!!! gonna retake! only for the pull up.. lol... i wan 5 points for all!! haha.. okok.. that's all for the week.. keke...
Mood: Yi Pian Kong Bai
Listening Now: Kill for Satan - Tsjuder
Feel: Slack
Condition: Ankle Ankle Ankle
Hmm.. HAILS ALL!! haha.. Photos up next time!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
ExamExamExam FinishingFinishingFuckingFinishing
Well... nothing much happen these days, except for studying, sleeping(for those who noe me, half of my lifetime has been spend here), drink milo & tea (true to keep you awake, only drink it when you slp like 12 hours liao). ONLY friday, went to Ritz and work for the NFW until like 2am.. haha.. come back study a bit den end up early slping.. lol..
OK! gonna update somedays after this last paper of mine.. Hmm.. btw.. all luck to all who having their exam for tml.. Hope dr lau will set the paper easier.. =( Damn Sianzed
Mood: Sianz 1/2
Listening Now: Dark Funeral - King Antichrist
Feel: Crumpler Bag...........
Condition: Ankle still sux