Monday, December 31, 2007
Yeah! 2008!!! SIANZ!
Year er ling ling FUCK-ing(2008-ing) busy sia... No rest for us sia! CHIONG STUDY! NO WORK! NO RITZ! THUS... NO MONEY!!! WATEVER!!!
Wishes all the people in the world a happy 2007 and welcome 2008! FUCKED
*Ps to the ppl who are in the hongkong cafe.. haha.. have to rush to fish with friends... SORRY!!
Mood: Err?
Listening now: Megadeth - Rattlehead
Next Destination --> FISHING!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Ex'T'reme
From Left: The Tiny, The Tall, And The Thing!
The Tiny aka Neddely aka MY DAUGTHER aka Xiao Mei
The Tall aka Panjang aka Ti Gi aka (you all name it sia)
The Thing aka Raymond aka Hua Shun!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Sickening Days
Work, Project and Sleeping (man, i think i'm good at summary writing...)
Hmm... Shall update some interesting things next time... and YEAH!! finally drive my first vehicle... from Ashtorie's uncle's car... Honda Streams... COOL!! nothing much to say but just amazed... keke...
Mood: Pensive
Listening now: Air-con blowing by My room
Condition: Cough, Headache, Bruises from work and sleepy mood...
H a i l!
Monday, December 17, 2007
1) TP test passed! DRIVING LICENCE!!!
2) Proteomics was screwed a little
3) PSCT was totally screwed...
4) Medical Check-up and gotten a Pes B L1 and a Shock... i grew 4cm... 199cm/70+kg
5) Working these few days (from thursday all the way till just now sunday)
6) Yet to do anything for the consolidation of the data for FYP (now den i found out i dun have the datas... damn... sorry phy to delay it...)
7) My leg is damn restless right now...
8) Of all, this is the worst, which is i'm going to sch in 1 hour time which i'm like opening my eyes for 3 days if i do not slp...
9) Shit happens
Mood: ---
Listening now: ---
Condition: Aches, Headaches, cough and leg pain...
Going to Die young...
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Here you are! Half-naked in front of you. The Warlords of Die-NASTY... After tonnes of eggs, Flour, Chicken Organ, Oil, Vinegar, Sause and most of all... FUN!! haha...
From Left Backroll: Simon, Tian Yew, Jian Rong, Wei Long(holding blur shirt), Wilson (Behind wei long), Leon, ME OF CUZ, Kian Wee, Qian Er Brother, ASHTORIE!!
From left or right (does it matter?) Frontroll: SEAH BING TING!!! haha... birthday boy... keke..
Anyways.. haha... test tml.. LUCK!!! I NEED YOU AGAIN!!!
Listening now: Fallen Into Obscurity - Absence of the Sacred
Saturday, December 8, 2007
100 Post! Congrats to myself!
Driving test on the 11 Dec 2007
I can foresee a FAIL in my stupid driving sia... kena scold big time for the circuit driving and very blur throughout the lesson... was very very worried about it so i booked monday morning for the driving... Well.. let just hope that i could pass... haiz... damn worried...
Proteomic test : 12 Dec 2007, 9am to 10.30am
PSCT test (damn) : 13 Dec 2007, 9am to 10.30am
NS Medical check-up : 13 Dec 2007, 1pm
*now you see how pack is my next week's schedule... cham sia...
Tuesday 4 Dec - Was at home the whole day i guess....
Wednesday 5 Dec - Went to sch at 12pm till 6pm... TIRED!
Thursday 6 Dec - School from 8 to 12pm, late for driving and sux for it... DAMN!
Friday 7 Dec - Went to install microsoft in school with leon around 2pm and a 4 to 5pm talk for the day... WASTED!
Saturday 8 Dec - was studying with zhi fan, azmil and friends at hougang mac from friday 11pm to 5am.. LOL!
Yup, that's wat happening these days... uninteresting, non-productive and dumb...
For this 100 post for my blog. Got a special things to say to all of my friends out there...
A big THANKS for all the supports that you all gave me and the concern these few months... i know that few months wasn't the person that you all noe back den but yeah... things changed sometimes... Thanks to all my Ritz Carlton, Polytechnic, Secondary and even Primary school friends and other friends from all walks of life... Well... if there is a list of ppl who i wanted to thank that will be like endless... So yeah... Thanks you guys again and again... and thanks, to that one person who gave me a chance to love... Thanks you people...
Mood: Average
Listening now: damn birds noise which you hear in the morning
Condition: headaches
HAILS ALL! 100th post achieved!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
So Far, So Good... SO WAT!
Damn... slept at 3.30am and woke up at 6am... LOL!!! but still look energized... only for the time being i guess.. LOL... went to school as usual and did the practical thingky... 4 hours of lab and one hour of FYP and one hour of lunch with Leon, Gracie, Ned, Pamela and BF! haha... Well well.. still a cheerful lunch though... except grace a bit moodless? well well.. not sure wat happen though but when as wat i always said! Let the sad be happy and happy be happier... =D
Afterwhich go attend lecture and hell it was a sleepy one.. haha... for both proteomic and PSCT... stupid PSCT got another project coming up... damn sia... ok.. went straight home and nuar a bit and went to slp around 6pm... SUPPOSE to wake up at 8pm but in the end 10.30pm... as usual.. haha.. YEah! finally started my real time study from 11pm till now... which is 3am? hey.. 4 hours of continuous study hor! haha.. Anyways... good thing is.. no sch for tml cuz we choose to... LOL... good good...
Mood: Sux even though it is good..
Listening now: Megadeth - Last Rites/Loved to Death
Condition: Headache headache headaches...
Damned Life... HAILS ALL!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
I'm Fine i guess, How are you too?
30 Oct 2007 (Friday)
Last day of the weekday, probably the last day of our lab day... PROBABLY!... so... rushed our presentation through and yeah... it was the chim-est out of the other groups and yet we can still able to present something... Nice one dudes... (Kai lin, Elwin and Hans!) Afterwhich, fly down to Ritz for work and work until 3am.. Not much things to do... Sweat a lot during the operation hour... dunno y oso... last time dun have now sweat like hell.. Old already sia.. LOL!! okok.. so went back home and touch down around 4am... planning to study though but in the end, end up watching 'Secret' directed by Jay Zhou himself... was very touching and nice though.. haha... finally got to see this movie.. LOL!! ok.. next day!
1 Nov 2007 (Sat)
Woke up around 4pm, which is 2 hours later den wat i wanted to wake up for the timing... to study... but in the end.. yeah... continue the movie (Secret) that i haven't finished watching... by the time i watched finish... already 6.45pm and hell i'm late for Bing Ting's Birthday... Took a cab down, $16.00, which i was veri grumpy about... BUT!! i got myself a Marbolo(watsoever it is spelled) Light at the seat of the taxi for FREE!!! haha... but it is from indoesia though... BUT WHO CARES!! haha... brought the packet to the ppl and just hack it... LOL!! as long as it's free.. LOL!!
Eat, Talk, Play PSP, Laugh and CRAP! Lots of things happening during the hours of bbq-ing in east coast... Cut the cake, and finally... war zone... LOL!! was fast enough to run away but in the end still kana smelly eggs, oil, flour(which mainly makes up the age of my hair) and much much more... Went on a cab around 3.15am and the whole ass was wet la...(cuz i go wash ma.. nv bring extra clothing..) den now updating lor.. LOL..
BTW!! Happy Birthday to you Bing Ting... Hope all things looks great ahead of you and yeah! be loving and caring as always watever wherever you r with QE! haha...
Lots of things happened during these days though... With parents, friends, people and much much more... But well, if you noe me of cuz, i always kept quiet towards this type of things... True to say is not i dun wan to be involve, but i noe to keep quiet somehow is always the bestto solve the problem sometimes.. I hope all things will settle down asap and may all people who r sad be happy, all happy people to be even more happier...
Still the same, i can't practically stay at home somehow... it just makes me think too much out of nothing... Test is coming, i noe it is coming... but wat the hell is this thinking making me so shitty right now...
Mood: sux
Listening now: Silent
Condition: Headaches at the left brain and it is killing me...
As the title summarize all, which goes:
I'm Fine i guess, How are you too?