Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Long Post, CAUTION!
Yup, changed from SAFTI MI to Stagmont Camp already. This is just the vocation i wanted and hope that i never regretted what i've chosen. First day there was rather a slack one. Heard from them that we are booking out every friday night! WOOHOO!! The first pleasing start of going to signals. keke... Well, although i'm splitted to the other bunks where i dunno most of them there, but who cares right? As long as i am in signal it is ok liao.. haha..
Other people also got their vocation. Like leon who is going to Combat Engineer, Simon(my buddy in BMT) is going to Armour Infantry. Fabian going for his CQMS-to-be and Wei Quan still in his MP doing what Rader? hmmm.. dunno how to spell... haha...
So much of military life and after slacking a long extended week and i finally remembered i have left 2 more days to play and there goes to brunei i go.. Fucked.. damn sianz sia... just plain knowing you are going oversea with military means equals to fuck up... Haiz... dunno whether can survive the whole shit of this Brunei trip aka Ex Lancer... ARGH!!! that's something that makes me moody these days.. sianz...
Part 2 (One Week Break)
Thanks to a lot of people, my extended one week holiday is such a meaningful one till i dun wanna go back to military life again... Sad to say that i'm still so tired of doing anything related to military contacts. Hmm... So these days, i went to shop, went to bar, went to do a lot of things that i can't remember anymore... woohoo! way to go man..
2009, a whole new start of the year... new start of the month and somebody is going to hit 22 years old already... haha... old hag.. LOL!! 17 Jan, it seems to be the next big thing/gathering. Can't wait for that day to come which means i'm back from brunei already.. keke.. settled the present already and hope she dun open it until her birthday! haha.. if not karma sia.. =X
New year eve, a good end of the year and the new start of the upcoming year... but still, activities are still not coming up to end this year.. hope can still celebrate it memoriably...
Part 3 (Final)
Resolution for this upcoming year.. Yeah..
1. Stop unhealthy lifestyles.
2. Start saving money.
3. Tahan until i commission.
4. Get Serious.
No photos no nothing, Cuz i'm going to sleep..LOL! ZHAO! HAILS everyone.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
KISS (Keeping It Short & Sweet)
Done-ed Checklist:
- Ex Scorpion King
- Ex Cougar
- Ex Rhino
- Ex Skylark and Ex Nightbird
Waiting for my posting to various vocation:
- Infantry
- Combat Engineer
- Armour
- Logistic
- Signal
How i hope we can choose what we like. Hope that i will be in the Logistic and Signal. Praying hard... Please give my Logistic or Signal ok? 3 more days in ending my Service term in OCS which means i'm going towards senior 3 white bar! More responsbility and shit. Well, what to do? Social night was a hit! Domination! haha.. whatever.. Update with more photos in the future.
Gift exchange programme was cool! Hope we can do it every year with the same people! You guys are cool! =D
Saturday, November 29, 2008
So far, so good?
So tiring, how much further can i endure? One more month to senior rank presentation which means I'm so called 3 white bar-ed or corporal rank already by then if nothing goes wrong. How i hope the friends of mine can cross over to my Wing in OCS to join me. Properly thinking other than army issues, whats more can i say? Yup, whats more can i say? Life stuck with only army when you are in the army.
I need to enjoy this few weeks of privileges and soon i shall be serving the 3 extra issued to me. Damn, it was a long story but it happen just a short matter of time. So yup, whatever. This may sounds like i'm dying, but i'm not dead though. few more months to go! Hails and Cheers Dudes!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Back from the 10 days worth of hell! What's next?
These days in field camp makes me think a lot of my family, my friends and my freedom. Basically, they are the 3Fs that i missed so much during the field camp. Although it doesn't seems like forever i'm not going to see them, it's just that for the moment you felt so tired, restless and helpless, they are the ones that drive you to another level of egoistic. 5 days making through the camp, a letter came to everybody's hand. Some cry and some just kept their tears to themselves. The letter which their parents wrote to them.
But still, not enough time for a lot of things these days, let alone free time for body management. Hope that i can be having more time with the other people.
Till the next time people!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
10 Days field camp ahead
1) I'm going back to Tekong for 10 days field camp.
2) Which means to say i will not be back next weekend.
3) Got no time to enjoy.
So far so good. But feeling very sianz just to know how many days the field camp is. Somehow, i wanna post something for today. I will like to thank my family for helping out in every ways that you all can help me. Every single one of them.
Well, not much to say. 10 days... am i ready for it?
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Second Book Out!
Did tonnes of things these couple of weeks. Endurance Run(6km), Speed training, Route marches, and so much so much more. Quite an easy week though but keep finger cross! Any single shit mistake will attribute yourself to a one night stay in SAFTI MI.
Some days i feel so restless, some days i feel so motivated. But how much i can persevere any longer? I hope i can last till the end with all my new friends from ALPHA and most importantly with my best buddy in work and best buddy in BMT! You guys know who you are! As long as you all are there opposite me, i will never give up! (i hope so..)
Hmmm... OK! My day-off is not long! So i shall update next week. Oh ya. I'm booking out on either the sunday night or monday next week. Damn. It's gonna be a long week ahead. But well, suck it up.
I miss my friends, my family, my BMT friends. I miss home...
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Perseverance? How long more can I do that?
I will like to do what i want.
I will like to sleep whenever i want.
I will like to relax wherever i want.
Why am i so controlled all of a sudden?
Damn..... OCS, joke or pride? You name it.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Everyday.... Stronger, Better, Fast. OCS?
Duration? 9 months. I will be back posting in 9 months time because i foresee damn busy time in OCS. Yes, i was posted to OCS even though i already said i wanna be a medic. For those who are wanting to be in OCS i can tell you that the selection is thus random and a bit bo bo one. Don't be despair if you are in sispec or whatsoever. You will still be a commander. Whereas here am i, dunno when i can last till.
Ok! so much of an NS shit. Going to pack my stuff and fuck off from here. Hope to be together with the ppl i know at least! haha. Till the time i post again. HAILS!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Have been out with my friends recently here and there to chill. Nothing much had been done but i think it's worthwhile spending time with them. I can't afford to waste time, neither do i have time to rest. All i was wondering and hoping now is to spend my time worthwhile.
One who seek greed will not cherish.
One who not care will soon be vanish.
One who fear shall be perish.
But one who hate will get what he wishes.
Till the next time i posted.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
So much for my happy POP
The most sianz part is the route march. High fever during the day of 16km route march so i never finish the march. Sad. Was going to have my re-route march for 24km so i was hold back to stay in tekong while the others book out. Worst thing is that the route march starts at 9pm but the rain comes at 9pm. So what's the decision? The route march is cancelled and i'm like staying over in tekong for fuck sia. Waste whole bunch of my precious time. Damn Damner Damnest.
Anyways, POP on this coming wed, which was the 10 of Sept. Was waiting for the parade for so long already. Lots of preparation and shit to been through. I hope wed comes in a flash. And the route march wise? Hope they will close one eye and let it pass lor. Damn.
Till the block leave, i will blog more! =D
Feeling: Sucks
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Hi to all People
It has been super tiring these month and not easy to pass. Thanks to all my section mates, platoon mates, and everyone in army for being so cool to make me persist on in army. Some hopes of mine has been given up because i know best of my physical and mental perseverance. Bye bye to OCS, i may also say bye bye to sispec also. But, i will continue to strive hard for the things i can.
So this coming week will be my field camp which is starting tomorrow which also i feared a lot. Hope that i can pull through it and get over with it. Can't have a single contact time during the 6 days out field. Will be back on the friday afternoon and home about evening(if nothing goes wrong). One more month to go for POP and i'm still trying to move on.
Busy, lonely, stressful. This is how they are making me so fragile. I wish i was more fit to overcome this army process but guess it's too late. Lots of things to update but they are just some few of them i could mention. Till the next time i update again.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Army, Here i COME!
Till den...
The Somberlain
I could feel the dark embrace my soul
Agony was no more, and so was pain
At this point of solitude I knew I was there
There where I belong
Thus far a long journey through my souls infinity
It has been a journey far beyond mortality
I have found what I wanted, tranquillity
I'll thrive on evil, eternally
I flew over crystal ground
My existence, numb
Over orchards of grievance,
sorrow and tears
This beautiful silence calls me now
Black fog devours me but I can see it all
The monument of my past,
this land of seven horizons before my eyes
I reach the land of spiritual rest
Its the dawn of descending
- I am the Somberlain
down to evil divine domain
Lord of infernal, gather my strength
Carry me through the gates
Its the dawn of descending
- I am the Somberlain
down to evil divine domain
For I'm eternal night
- I'm the Somberlain
Precede my evil divine domain
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
16 Days and Counting...
ALRIGHT! 16 more days and counting. Should be going to be a strong man.
To Tian Yew: I will like to see you more often in Tekong, but not admitting to your wards looking sick.
To Fabian: HERE I COME!!
To Lih Wee: (continued from fabian dialogue) WEEEEEE!!!
To Yun Tong: No more sick faces when i'm in! OK!?
Basically, these are the things i had been doing these days:
- Sleeping (Mostly i should say)
- Slacking (Well, it is say to be the same as sleeping)
- Guitaring (IRON MAN! More songs in learning!)
- Jogging (just did that not long ago)
- Working (Not so often already, just miss that place so i go back)
- Going out for supper (almost every night)
Progressively, i will like to do these for the 16 days:
- Sleeping (But of cuz, you think i'm 24/7 and nocturnal?)
- Guitaring
- Jogging and Train up
- Meet up with friends, and 'beyond friend' (figure yourself =P)
- Have more time with parents
Argh... see, how packed can this 16 days be... Damn
23 June 2008 (Monday)
Hmm... Slept through the whole day cuz was working previously... woke up and mistaken the day as tuesday... was more active after 10pm... Took a run and slack now.. LOL!!
Mood: Ups and Downs
Listening now: Ozzy Osbourne - Breaking all the Rules
Feel: Ozzy Osbourne and Black Sabbath
Countdown: 16 days
HAILS!!! and pictures!!!
The Recent Happening Things

The Ritz and Montfortian @ Brewerkz! Intro by my poly friends (Hans and Elwin) about this place and got so hooked up with it. Good Beer, Good Brothers. No Beer, No Brothers. =X So if you guys are going for some good beer, come on down to Brewerkz at Clarke Quay!

Somewhat that day (11 June 2008) was the day we had our beer session and was Kim's Birthday. Plus, it was Yun Tong's Before-one-day-to-Army Day. LOL! Ate at the Pizza hut.

Ok! There has been a problem on naming all individual so i must as well said all work in the RITZ!! (Except for Audrey who is fabian's gf =X) So that's about it, Ritz gangs to the Powerhouse.
Yet to have those photos so i will update some time later this week. LOL! =D
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Gotten Over With!
Basically i'm just going to update wat happen today(or last night?).
20 June 2008 (friday)
Went to Zouk with my cousins, Ross and PK. Eventually i don't know who my cousin going to bring but who knows, it's is terence! Gonna say this world(singapore...) is freaking small. Who in the hell knows my cousin would have know this friend of mine recently. Funny thing is, they had been talking about me the whole time and they do not know ultimately the person they are talking about is me.
Terence: I got some Metal Friends back in my poly days!
PK: I got one cousin who is a Metal freak himself.
Terence: That chalet i went was with the metal friends who love to pour liqour till ppl die like i do.
PK: So later we are going out with my cousin, tall freak, 1.99m.
Terence: i know a friend who is of that height.
PK: My cousin, Leonard.
Terence: I think i know him.
PK: Don't bullshit with me la.
Terence: He work in ritz and studied in Biomedical Science, Ngee Ann?
haha.. all goes like that in the msn chatting.. LOL!!
On the way to zouk, terence's friend, whose friend is my secondary school friend, Desmond were all present in the freaking bus to zouk... LOL!! Saw Ken, Darren, Willie, Aldrin and lots of ppl there that i noe.. LOL!! cool man.. Havoc thru the night and back home..
The NO!
- Drinking
- Clubbing
- Smoking
The YES!
- Daily Exercise
- Tune my body alarm back
- Healthy food
Restriction is building up as Army is drawing nearer.. D A M N!
Friday, June 13, 2008
One by one
11 June 2008
Continue.... Alright, Went to Brewerkz for some beer drinking session (like again?)... had the 4 different types of beer which i have absolutely no idea how to spell... haha... but well, they just taste nice and smooth... better den those tiger beer all these... Glad that the gang enjoyed the session and happily ended up in MS pizza hut for Kim's Birthday dinner.. haha.. Pizza hut was so so... nv wanted to enjoy the meal though but wanted to enjoy the clubbing only... yes... CLUBBING!! at st james powerhouse... first time going there and well, it was a HIT man! Freaking fun (however it depends on who you bring la... LOL!!).. All were present for the clubbing and we crazy ourselves up until like 3am? Kim went home first though.. sianzed.. LOL!! Expired so fast after her birthday ended.. LOL... Afterwhich, ended up in 401 to makan.. split ways den... slp slp slp.. LOL!!
12 June 2008
One Victim down, Koh Yun Tong. Army enlistment date 12 June 2008. See you in maybe 2 weeks time man.. The whole morning and afternoon was wasted by my sleeping and evening? i was awaken by the 2nd victim (fabian) for a bbq. Went to the bbq, and well, it was the greatest bbq ever man, haha.. Went there to have a chit-chat session with lots of montfortians... until like around 1.40am, we parted and farewell to fabian and matthew for their army... Sianzed...
Mood: Sianzed
Listening now: Nothing
Countdown: 27 days
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Dead but still alive?
Bought Jogging shoes, Belt and Black Spectacle!
Jogging shoes ----- $94
Belt --------------- $31.50
Black Spectacle --- $60
Resultant --------- BROKE!
Well, of cuz jogging shoes has its purpose right? But these days it just sux cuz the weather sux too. Pointless in the end... i'm left like less than a month to jog man! Come on! Give me a good weather! haha...
Dinner at Geylang with basically the armylian (Me, Leon, Jie Wen, Bing Ting, Yun tong, Lih wee), Tian yew and managers from ritz. Durian after that and back to hougang for soccer match watching(of cuz i don't watch as usual).. Went home and have a dramatic bonding with the toilet and i beg i say it here, it wouldn't be funny... LOL!! cool... let's move on...
10 June 2008, Tuesday
Sleep, Sleeeeeep, Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep... Haha... the weather is just at its best and i can't escape from the scent of my bed pillow... LOL!! Went out with the ppl in ritz for a movie... KongFu Panda... Well, can say that so far in the cartoon history of what i have seen, this is the best i ever watched.. so wat you guys waiting for! grab ur tickets and laugh ur ass out over at the movie! haha... Home Sweet Home after that, which is quite adnormal cuz we usually go out for a long time and it is just less than 4 hours when i left home..LOL!! ok... back to slp.. LOL!!
11 June 2008 (Present), Wednesday
Hmm.. Woke up early like 7am. I can't get myself to slp anymore cuz of the multiple naps from ytd... Nuar a bit, online for time to pass.. Guitar playing a bit... (Woohoo... IronMan song intro and repeats all quite ok now.. LOL!) Hmm... Basically today is Kim's and Jun Yong's birthday.. Wish them a hilarious and enjoyable days coming up!! haha... Later out for some 'Beer Tasting' Session with the gang and properly some..... Well... i've yet to go anywhere so i shall say i should update further on later some days.. LOL! that's like if i could do so.. LOL!!!
Upcoming days:
12 June 2008, Thursday - Properly out with Cousins to Movie? KongFu Panda?
13 June 2008, Friday - Hmm.. no plans for that day. But i guess Movie again? LOL!!!
14 June 2008, Saturday - Hmm.. Having some random Buffet at my Grandma house. WOOHOO!.
15 June 2008, Sunday - I think i had miss something out, i can't remember a single shit.. LOL!
Mood: Average
Listening now: Crazy Train - Ozzy Osbourne
Countdown: 29 Days
Monday, June 9, 2008
Green Days in Countdown
Me! ------------------------------------------- 31 Days
Fabian ---------------------------------------- 4 Days
Wei Quan ------------------------------------- 31 Days
Leon ------------------------------------------ 30 Days
Lih Wee --------------------------------------- 5 Days
Yun Tong ------------------------------------- 3 Days
Bing Ting -------------------------------------- 30 Days
Jie Wen --------------------------------------- September
Holy Shit! Time is running out!!
Yup! Days are numbered... Hope there's time still! DAMN!!!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Feels good, isn't it?
- Sianz (unavoidable)
- Tired
- Sleepy
- Lifeless shitbag
- Complacent
Life AT work:
- Fun
- Thrilling (You'll know why)
- Sleepy
- Hostile (Sometimes)
Life AFTER work:
- Happy
- Money smiling
- Sleepy
- Don't-give-a-shit Attitude
Life with work:
Life with NO work:
- Lots of wasteable time
- Chilling out time
- Sleepless night/day
- Stressless
SEE, we are nv enough... WTF!!
Someone special: My Great-grandma
Rest in peace... 4th June 2008
36 more days and descending...
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Being 21 ---------------------------------------- Checked!
Graduation ------------------------------------- Checked!
Enlistment -------------------------------------- DAMNED!
10 July 2008
42 Days Left
Monday, May 26, 2008
Birthday Fever!
Thanks all! There are too many to thanks to and i think they noe who they are! BILLIONS OF THANKS!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Before 21...
This is the day before 21,
Tomorrow will be 20th of May plus a big fat 1.
Wanting to be younger but i really can't.
Recalling back of what I've done,
It was really indeed enjoyable and fun.
10th of July is the day i hold the gun,
To gear up and prepare for my biggest run.
It's going to be my 21,
Hope the day will be happy for everyone.
No doubt that i am turning 21,
Yes... for my name is called Leonard Tan.
Hails 666
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Mix Feelings
Sorry to thee
Hope everything's fine
Cause in my mind
This matter is blind
I wish there was enough time
For me to justify
But why you treat me as a passerby?
For the bond we bind
You had strangle it to die
Curse me if you think it's right
Whereas i'm always here to await your criticize
For I will show you this sign i always liked.
\m/ Hails
Answers without explanation. Avoidance has become a burden.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
17 April 2008 (the-day)
OK. Simply work from 9am to 7.30pm. That was ok... Went to sheralyn birthday and celebrate her birthday (but of cuz) at bugis fish and co. Was a splendid meal but just lack of something or more of something i should say. Went different area after the meal and the working clan went home. Shocking news from them, they got enlisted which i thought i wasn't. i went to check the mail and man, the letter for enlistment was so distinctive that you noe you are going to army just by the look of the letter. 10 July 2008, that's my enlistment date. How about you guys from Poly and Secondary?
19 April 2008 (fright-Day)
Worked from 9am to 3.30am... nothing to explain cuz mostly is work work work.. worked for the world gourmet summit dinner. Preparation was hell lots of time. Event was simple and easy.. not much to say about.. Stayed in-house cuz the next morning was 9am again...
20 April 2008 (Such-a-day)
Working at 9am and clock out myself 12am before we, the people who worked 2 days continuously are found dead in any corner of ritz carlton.
Mood: Restless
Listening now: Dissection - The Somberlain (Live)
For Nothing: Where's my PSP?
Friday, April 18, 2008
Hair-Loss Letter
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Laptop Down, Laptop Down
Monday, April 7, 2008
Healthy Lifestyle, Unhealthy Likestyle
Schedule's up!:
Tues (8 Apr) - 9am
Wed (9 Apr) - 9am
Fri (11 Apr) - 6pm
Sat (12 Apr) - 9am
Remarks: Crazy hours but luckily got friends to kill unearthly hours.
Okie, so updates!
3 April 2008 (Thursday)
Slept till my ass off. Was having basketball competition but in the end was postponed to next tuesday becuz it rained heavily. Was thinking to myself i was lucky but who noes that i need to meet up fabian at the bus stop near montfort. Went there. was early but damn, i forgot to take my hp. waited and waited and end up frustrated. Went home to collect my handphone and den noe that the meet up was cancelled. Damn.. so did practically nothing and stone all the way for the day.
4 April 2008 (Friday)
Working at 4pm, which was quite good cuz it is all fabian, leon, jie wen, simon they all working together... who noes we are split up again and i was transferred to the ballroom with yun tong and lih wee... shit man... but well.. quite slack but not compared to leon they all. Event ended early and the OT was like nothing to do.. except for wrapping Guang with masking tape and threw him up in the air.. LOL!! Quite fun though but i dun have the video.. LOL!!! Well.. Somethings happened though but well! it is meant to be the past.. haha..
5 April 2008 (Saturday)
Sentosa trip! With the boast of ego from simon to go sentosa, we tagged along. Met up at vivocity and makan. Ah mei (neddely aka Xiao mei) soon joined in. So total up... The people are like simon, me, leon, ashtorie, jie wen, andrew, neddely. Haha.. me leon and ah mei went to the underwater world as planned and cuz i oso reluctant to go beach tanning cuz it is about to rain.. Bingo, it rained heavily and we are like stuck in the underwater world... lucky though... ahha... Went to vivo to settle our second meal which was a steamboat... Service and food variety wise sux... but luckily still got the drink to accompany us thru the meal.. LOL!! Ah mei and ashtorie went different way and the rest of us head to town to join hui xin and szesze for a movie.. we watched the Three kingdom which was fairly ok... not much to comment about.. haha... den... home sweet home...
6 April 2008 (Sunday)
Slept through my ass again and wake up only for meals... Played game and that's all..
Yeah.. such a life to pass but still better den mugging... =X
Mood: Ok la..
Listening now: Hotel California - Eagle
Targeting: PSP!!!!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Yup, not dead, neither alive.
Anyways, has have a couple of chalet these days and went to each and everyone of it... enjoyed, crazying and stupiding.. LOL!!! Hmm... how i wish i could enjoy without spending money... Lifeless? nah... as long as life continue it is still life(ful) haha... So... tonnes of things to share, too little time to type or should i say i'm like lazy to type.. LOL!!
Well.. if i can remember wat happen these days it will be like too many things sia.. LOL!!! okok... random post.. maybe i will do a weekly posting and remember things that has been remembered by me.. LOL!!!
Mood: Average
Listening now: ?
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Finally here to blog once again!
18 Feb (Tues): Yet to book
19 Feb (Wed): 5.30pm
22 Feb (Sat): 5.30pm
23 Feb (Sun): 6am
Cool... not much earning for next week as you can see... LOL!! shitty timing... but fear not! there is still next next week... LOL!!!
Hmm.. Lots of things happen these days... not to mention cuz it is too much and too long... shit things happen right? haiz... Well well... cuz there is too much to blog, now i dun feel like blogging it cuz there's too much to do so... LOL!!
I want to slp slp slp! slack slack slack!!
Mood: Average
Listening now: Black Sabbath - Iron Man
Next Target to buy (NEW!): PSP and PDA
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Do you smell it?
Friday, March 7, 2008
Blog's Not Dead
27Feb to 2 Mar: OC-ed (HSBC)
3Mar to 5Mar: Chalet-ed (NP friends)
6Mar: Normal Worked in ritz
7Mar: First day in IT fair and it's fucking sianz..
Till the time i have more TIME to blog! haha... CIAO!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Schedule!!! From Last paper to 9 Mar!
22 Feb: Working at the Youth Olympic Games 2010 as Bus Ushers (12-10pm)
23 Feb: Ritz Carlton Working (6am to 4.30pm) Buay Tahan.. ZZZZZ
24 Feb: Ritz Carlton Working (8am to 4.30am) yes.. 20 and a half hour..
26 Feb: Final Presentation, Hope it turns out good...
27 Feb: Ritz Carlton Working (8am to ??)
28 Feb: Ritz Carlton Working (4am to ??)
29 Feb: Ritz Carlton Working (4am to ??)
1 Mar: Ritz Carlton Working (4am to ??)
2 Mar: Ritz Carlton Working (4am to ??)
5 Mar: ZOO!!! =D
6 Mar: Suntec IT Fair
7 Mar: Suntec IT Fair
8 Mar: Suntec IT Fair
9 Mar: Suntec IT Fair
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Time now: 12:30am.
Studying till: 2am
Waking up: 5am
Reach School: 7am
Attend paper: 9am
Paper duration: 2 hours
End paper: 11am
Remarks: Die die also stay until 11am, don't wanna leave earlier cuz i wanna rumble the whole stupid fucking examination room... Oops... not i, THE WHOLE OF LSCT BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE PEOPLE!!! ROAR!!!
We slay, we conquer, we exterminate!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Come fill ME!!! (don't think dirty)
22 Feb (Friday) - 6am
27 Feb - 2 Mar - ??? (comfirm working jiu shi le)
(under construction)
Too much to study for ONE more day.
Firstly, this lecture book is full of content.
Secondly, for what i'm studying now, i will be forgetting the one i studied just one hour ago.
Thirdly, one day only from now.
Forth and the last, this module sucks big time.
Looking on the other side, i will have my freedom on the 19 Feb (which seems to be true cuz i got final external presentation still, LoL-ed). For those who are still working hard after that, i gonna tell you all these, I'M FREE!!! Haha... just kidding... Of cuz is something original... Work hard and all the best... Don't depend on luck where luck can't possibly help you anywhere if you dun work hard... Don't pray and expect the god of yours is going to help you to copy or postpone the exam... There's somethings that praying and luck can't be at its optimum which is now... Well... there may be some luck from the god of yours if he or she is trying to help you by giving you the anwser sheet right smack onto the examination table you are sitting... But the chances is 0%... so i advise you all again, get your lazy asses out from the bed and get serious on the things to study...
Mood: Average
Listening now: Symphonic Classical Musics
Condition: The 'before one more day' syndrome
Hails and Cheers
Sunday, February 17, 2008
2 more days... so unprepared
i'm so fucking pissed over PSCT right now.
Don't mind studying a yellow page but memorizing a yellow page full of details is shitty... damn...
Mood: Sux
Listening now:
Condition: Headache
Friday, February 15, 2008
Done with Proteomics! Now PSCT... BOO!!
The Somberlain
I fell deeper and deeper as light now was gone
I could feel the dark embrace my soul
Agony was no more, and so was pain
At this point of solitude I knew I was there
There where I belong
Thus far a long journey through my souls infinity
It has been a journey far beyond mortality
I have found what I wanted, tranquillity
I'll thrive on evil, eternally
I flew over crystal ground
My existence, numb
Over orchards of grievance,
sorrow and tears
This beautiful silence
calls me now
Black fog devours me but I can see it all
The monument of my past,
this land of seven horizons before my eyes
I reach the land of spiritual rest
Its the dawn of descending
- I am the Somberlain
down to evil divine domain
Lord of infernal, gather my strength
Carry me through the gates
Its the dawn of descending
- I am the Somberlain
down to evil divine domain
For I'm eternal night
- I'm the Somberlain
Precede my evil divine domain
Mood: Ok la
Listening now: The Somberlain
Condition: Tired
Saturday, February 9, 2008
CNY... Day 3...
7 -9 Feb
Went to Hougang Ave 10 (which is like one block away from my house) on the 7, Tampines on the 8 and Upper Serangoon Road (which is like MY BLOCK!) on the 9... yeah.. i'm currently stuck at home... ZZZZZ
Mood: Sux
Listening now: Satanic Warmaster - The Vampiric Tyrant
Condition: Sore Throat
Friday, February 8, 2008
Happy Chinese New Year!! Day 2..
Mood: Errr?
Listening now: Errr?
Condition: Errr?
Thinking: $$$
Monday, February 4, 2008
123 Post... SUPER RANDOM!
3 Feb (Sunday)
Too tired to make it to the bball, so slp until like 2pm den study study, slp... Study study... EAT EAT EAT!! till now lor.. haha...nothing much happened today though.. LOL!! YA!! and one thing... haha... this adorable ah mei of mine called me at 9am and started laughing uncontrolably... LOL!! ask her talk she laugh.. LOL!! how sweet for her to wake up in the morning just to call me and hear my 'man' voice..LOL!!.. funny thing for me i guess is that ask her wat is she doing, she say going to slp again... dots.. LOL!!!! AH MEI!! HUGGIES!!!
Test tml! jia you for myself! LOL!! and others of cuz... if there is any.. LOL!!!
Mood: Sianz
Listening now: Some old songs
Condition: blur?
University... can i go in pls?
Friday, February 1, 2008
Yeah! Feb.. 26 more days to go!
2. Go on a class holiday (WHERE ALSO CAN!!! GOT MONEY DEN SAY!)
3. Chalet from Secondary School, Poly, and even work place.. =D
4. Keep F I T! run run run and pull upssssssss
5. PLAY BBALL till i die sia! HANS, ALEX, and secondary school from of cuz =D
7. GUITAR!!!
8. ZOO!!! WITH AH MEIS!!! =D
9. ???? (more to come and update!)
As you can see AGAIN, there is so many things to do after 26 Feb and it is approaching around the corner... Hell yeah...
31 Jan (Thursday)
Poster presentation done and once and for all! Presented not bad and answer some qns back to the judger with no fear! haha... Worn formal and rehearse a bit... So happy and crazy after all the posters are done... LOL!! done with the proteomics project oso.. COOL!! afterwhich went home of cuz.. den ROT!
1 Feb (Friday)
Went to school and played bball with hans... from around 9.30 to 11.45am? LOL!!! was fun though.. just a scar on my face only... SADDED!!! Went to help dr koh for the poster and well.. IT IS JUST BOTH OF US!! damn.. haha... helped out... poster summit until like 5... pon the LSSS and go home... LOL... den ROT!
Mood: Blur
Listening now: Dissection - The Somberlain
Condition: ok?
26 days more... HAILS EVERYONE!!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
One by one, WE TOOK YOUR LIVES!!!
27 Jan 2008 (Sunday, Continue)
Played bball in the morning though... was reluctant to wake up until like someone is at the bball court den i willing to come... if not just me and the 'no bball' feeling in the court is just damn sianz... Well! the rest are damn eariler den me which was cool! Played like shit for that day just dun feel like explaining.. LOL!!! Besides, whats there to explain about shit... LOL!!!
Chat with the never-boring friends i had... haha... same up with the olden days thingky everytime we met up... LOL!!! chat till 2pm den i felt that it is time to go home and study for IL-2 test.... got back, slept till 7pm den started studying... Was aimless and lost though.. so in the end nv studied much... went to slp around 3am? LOL!! for nothing...
28 Jan (Monday)
LAB TEST!!!! went there and slay the lab test and well, whether it is good or bad it turns out, it's a relief that it ended... we can't care much for it anymore.. LOL!!! Went to makan with MMM and well!!! i had lost power to make ppl laugh already... LOL!!! but there will be next time!!! HAHA.... daddy/ah pa will be making you all laugh till teeth come out... LOL!!! den... 2 hours of lecture... den head home... and the highlight of the day was 90!!! LOL!!!
The classic 90 Story
This happens at block 68B near canteen one of Ngee Ann (but of cuz). Lesson for PSCT was just too normal to describe. The same old noises and stunned-looks on all the people. Just when the class is about to end, a lecturer (i believe from what i know is from Early Childhood or something) open the door and start chanting which goes 'Are you still using the lecture hall? Cuz it is 4pm already and i had a class of 90 students'. 90 Students... So what if you have 90 Students? it sounded like as if you are teaching a spartans squad to hold a spear and teach them how to breathe? Come on la, who will care if you have 90 students or 300 spartans to teach. It just make it sounds that you are so sarcastic...
Ok... that was the story... All of the students in the lecture hall went almost ki siao that we wanted to shout 90 90 90 to that sarcastic lecturer... So most of us exited from the front door to shout to that lecturer, 'Wah, 90 sia...' LOL!!! it was damn bloody funny for us to see the look of that loser lecturer... Almost everyone come out with the 90 sia.. LOL!!! afterwhich... we ended up going to their backdoor and shout 90 again... haha... think that lecturer must be pissed... LOL!!! but well... who cares? we are going to end our poly life 1 month later...
Something happy to share about is when we entered the conventional center, the ppl inside welcomed us like as if we are dealing with JAE still... haha... we are so young sia... LOL!!! Lecture ended and head home and slp... keke...
Mood: ok ok lor..
Listening now: Satanic Warmasters - Pentagrams and Woods
Condition: Headache
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Yeah! We executed more projects!
Together they are.................................................... I oso dunno wat to call them sia.. Just plain funny... LOL!!!
Somehow somewhat, these stuff toys are bought from China by Fabian... HAHA... they are just damn funny to keep... LOL!!! THANKS A LOT FABIAN!!! haha...
Anyways.. HAILS!!!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Woohoo... Shioked...
1. FYP report is submitted already, we can't care for it anymore which is damn positive feelings.
2. 50% human communication presentation was a success and i had never been asked so many question from the lecturer before... NEVER... but it was crapping success...
3. Went home early, which i guess i nv been doing that for these days, weeks, or even months
4. Played basketball on my own under the hell burning sun and damn it was hot... But was fun, cuz i long time nv touch the bball liao...
Well well... so many proj going to be eliminated one by one which was good... Haha... still more to come!
Mood: Missing Darling ah mei!!! and mei ah Darling!! <--- grace... LOL
Listening now: Megadeth - Tornado of Souls
Condition: I dunno
- WISP Assignment 3 (not yet handed up in soft copy)
- LSSS Presentation (was a good one though for the last one! good one guys!)
- Human Comm Assignment 3
- FYP report (Yeah!)
- ???
Not Yet Done:
- Human Comm Presentation (50% sia... shit!)
- FYP poster (Shit x2)
- FYP presentation slides (Shit x3)
- Proteomics (End Shit)
- IL 2 Lab test (28 Jan)
- Proteomics CT (4 Feb)
- LSSS test (12 Feb <-- wtf?)
- Proteomics (15 Feb)
- PSCT (19 Feb) <---- freedom?
Post-Exam shit:
- FYP presenatation(s)
- FYP poster presentation
As you can see, 19 Feb may NOT be my day i declare freedom (i hope not)... So busy... So lost... So gonna end up no slping again...
Monday, January 21, 2008
Live with it, or perish by it.
This world has no pure forgiveness, so let it be.
Hating someone or something is natural, so let it be.
Keep it to yourself, maybe one day you will find your true self.
Hating, is something that create existences.
Mood: ?
Listening now: The Agony Scene - Barnburner
Condition: Recovered
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Busier then ever
Good News: i'm almost recovered from my Chicken Pox
Bad News: i'm going to be busy busy busy... until 19 Feb comes...
Till that time ppl! we shall meet again.. (maybe have time to blog den blog lor... haha..)
Mood: Jaded
Listening now: Nothing by my fan blowing
Condition: Not yet bathe... LOL!!
Not forgetting the daily must-do thing... AH MEI!!! Piggyback ah mei!!! =)
Live with it, or live for it. Hails.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Something from my brain....
From Mr Brain : Move on, just move on...
I feel so much like scolding and voice out my unhappiness to that particular person but i just feel I'm lack of the gut to do so every time i sees what is written in front of me. Feeling existence is just totally the worst things that you want to keep inside your brain. When will this ever come out from my mouth, telling it off. That is when I no longer have any feelings towards anybody else. I'm just fucking pissed off every time things from that person sounds like he or she knows him or herself so well. To myself, I'm the opposition of what you been trying to convey but i think that one fine day, you, whom you think you are satisfy with that particular thing is the one that you are missing with. Look into the world damn it, you brought hatred to the world. Believe it or not, i just don't know how hateful you can be and i have to thank you so much for bringing this hatred existence for me. Move on, I'm trying. You, and your undisputed wicked ways to express your motive to other people. Being obvious was good enough. Being not that appreciative of what people has done for you is extreme. I don't know how much could this last any longer. But for sure i know, what lies ahead of you are simply for certain, Emptiness.
In the other corner...
From my brain : Move on, Move on, just move on.
Mood: Unexplained
Listening now: Bestial Mockery - Slay The God
Live for it, Hails 666.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Car Car Carssssssssssssssssss

Mercedes-Benz SLR Mclaren 722

Bugatti Veryon (2nd Fastest Car in the world)

Ascari A10

Maserati MC12
Pagani Zonda F

Ferrari Enzo

Porsche Carrera GT BMW M6
More to come! Maybe next time... LOL!!!
Mood: sux
Listening now: nothing
Condition: Can't-seems-to-dry-up Blister... FUCK
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Remember this day, 17 Jan 2008 (Thursday)
This is the day i went out to buy some stupid bread from Shop n Save Store..(it's 24 hour... OF CUZ)... YES... I WENT OUT!!! finally got to smell fresh air from the stupid exhaust fume of vehicles and sand... YES... I WENT OUT!!! for like 30mins of my life... this 1/2 half an hour of my life turns out to be so memoriable becuz after so many days of staying at home (9 days! MIND YOU!!!)... Compare... 24 X 9 X 60 = 12960mins i have been staying at home without going out.. that is like the first leonard's books of record in 2008... Wat a happy year to start with... 12960mins with 30mins spend outside at a mart.. Marvelous...
Damn damn damn... IT is gonna be FYP - F*ck You, Project, for these days man.. just got the news that our report has a lot to admend on... damn... sianz... not about worrying the stupid countless days of sleepless nites... but the lack of face to face discussion with my beloved partner, pink-silia... ARGH!!! why am i at home at this point of time man... haiz.. Network discussion is like the shittiest thing and the worst productive one...
Damn damn damn... i'm gonna 100% be ok this coming monday or something to at least concentrate on one more month man... wasted 2 fucking weeks for nothing.. it is like pure hell for me...
Chicken Pox, the disease that you surely wanna get it when you r young.
Chicken Pox, you wouldn't wanna get it when you are at year 3 poly.
Chicken Pox, it makes you sign a straight 2 weeks MC for anything.
Chicken Pox, allows you to admire your body more than you admire it before.
Chicken Pox, strictly gives you one position to sleep on the bed.
Chicken Pox, you will wanna talk to it and scold it don't you?
Chicken Pox... What are you waiting for?
Argh... Get lost Chicken Pox....
Mood: Sux
Listening now: Gay Chinese Songs
Condition: Volcano eruption from Leonard's body. Blister season off.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Mood: Sux
Listening now: Megadeth - Tornado of Souls
Condition: I look at pox, pox look at me.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Unwanted Holidays with Unwanted Singers
The Time is 5.54pm exactly now... it is thunder lightning sky right now... hope the lightning travels all the way to the hall and struck one of you down... damn it.. Tml morning still need to hear ur princiPAL tok tok tok rubbish... FUCK!! ENOUGH!! ARGH!!!!!
Ok... enough of cursing.. LOL!!!
13 Jan 2008 (Chicken pox Day 6)
Less itchy but doesn't means it is not itchy still! Damn school sing sing sing until i fed up sia... zZZZ... ok... woke up a few time cuz my mother wants me to eat eat eat.... woke up like 3 times within few hours... damn jialat la... cannot even get a decent slp... zzZZ... Well... Never watch much movie today... try to get some school things done today so not so busy when i'm BACK... Damn sianz la.. Chicken pox.. when are you all going to disappear... stuck with me how long liao dun you all feel gay? zzZZ
Mood: Sux
Listening now: Anorexia Nervosa - Album of 'The Redemption Process'
Condition: Chicken Pox Day 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAILS!!! and may the rain FLOOD THE SCHOOL!!!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
New Year, New Month, With Some New Disease.
Hmm... which date to start? LOL!!
Tuesday (Chicken Pox Day 1)
Went to the lab with the others as usual cuz it is the FYP day... mess around, did work around... Discuss the human comm a while... finalize everything... Took a 151 home... sleep on that freaking bus... woke up... and feel myself damn headache and feverish... Damn! how come so random leh? i oso dunno... damn! Went home, was going to deal with some human comm proj first before i slp... in the end headache buay tahan go slp first... woke up with eye swollen and headache and some small tiny mini blister on the arm that you see liao will itchy finger go and burst it... YES I DID! haha.. damn it is painful when the water flows that blister part when i'm bathing... sad...
Wednesday (Chicken Pox Day 2)
Well, Have an early slp on tues when i did finish the human comm thingky. Woke up with a veri veri swollen eye till i have only one eye to see like that... damn sianz... thought i'm allergic to something... Went to the doc, the second time! cuz he was doing some laser therapy on some idiot that liao my time go down and go home again... slp and go back to the clinic again... show him the pox, pox me the MC for 10days... cool... NAH!!! got tonnes of things to deal and 10 days of MC? that is so unwanted man... damn... Report to everyone, and went to slp... slp slp slp...
Thursday (Chicken Pox Day 3)
Slp slp slp... 50% presentation not presented today... delay delay delay... damn sianz sianz sianz... Teacher called, telling me to delay it's ok... damn.. who will want to present one person on the whole lecture.. JUST ME LEH!! siao kia... haiz.. slp slp slp... Wei xin and Wayne came to my house... chit chat all the way... Have some marvelous and FRUITFUL chatting... haha... anyways... thanks for both of you guys man! for the homework and everything... LOL... Sorry to trouble you guys all the way from west.. LOL... Anyways, they left, and i'm like damn itchy at home until siao... couldn't slp the whole damned day from 12am to like 6am... zzZZZ
Friday (Chicken Pox Day 4)
Slept quite a lot with the sleeping pill... slp slp slp... woke up and starting watching movies from PPlive... god damn man... this system is damn bloody good if you r going for serious movie-ing or watsoever... doraemon and crayon shin... LOL!!! watched the whole day... chat with ah mei with some bathtub thingky... haha... damn funny... takes me a dozen hours to explain though.. keke....
Nonetheless... got time, den got post. Bo tim, Bo tang post lor... simple... LOL!!!
Mood: Sux
Listening now: Nothing
Condition: Blister exist
Friday, January 4, 2008
Busying with Busy...
OCTOPUS!!! =D Some random ppl from the jetty caught it.. LOL.. well.. it is a small one though in actual size.. haha... Look forward to more fishing trips after graduation... =D