OK!.. Starting from 18-19 May, as usual again, went to SERI to work and work and work... unusually(especially this 2 weeks), i went to work in Ritz Carlton after my work/attachment in SERI... Was a great function of SIA gala dinner... but something happen to me during to the OT though... lost my fucking adidas watch($175), lost my fucking key to locker and most incredibly, locker oso lost.. Nabei... feel so fucking suay that fucking day... just like before my fucking two days of my birthday... at least show some face la... already so fucking moody liao still fucking piss me off with this type of shity fuck up tai chi... so as a result... work machiam like nv work like that and still make a loss(Earned:$51, Watch & key: $177, Resultant: -$126).. sianz.. ok... fuck off with that... so went to have a supper with jie wen and fabian.. haha... eat until like 5am... den i walk home from montfort opposite.. quite long but watever... as long as there's my ipod.. all hell distances get shorten...
19-20 May, wake up at 12pm after sleeping at 7am(bath and dry hair and all shit)... Do somethings to the STARS database from Attachment to input the study ID, update recent datas and etc.. until 3pm plus... get a change and here goes working! again.. Quite a tiring function today cuz got new comers to train... sweat like hell but think that it is still worth it cuz nv work so hard for so long.. admit that i have been quite slack this days... haiz.. SO! OT until 2.30am(vouncher 3.30am).... result? $60... haha... Went to makan at the Swesens(think i spell wrong) at orchard with my bunch of ppl from ritz carlton including my managers all these.. not that bad.. haha.. and the highlight of that day!.. haha... it was actually my early celebration... sorry guys!!.. was too tired to react once i even start to see the ice cream cake.. haha... but i will like to thanks the people, which is too many, that wishes me happy birthday at the swesens and those who ain't there but wishes me, thanks to you guys too... =D Took a taxi back home with fabian, yi chao and jie wen.. reach home bath, etc.. ---> 6am.. omg....
20-21 may, Never even fucking slp and head to work at SERI... was veri tired of cuz and head to SNEC building early to the 5th floor with wayne to slp a while.. haha.. so.. work work work... busy busy busy... till one moment i can't tahan(during not busy timing), i went to slp a while at room 10... LOL... work work again and let off at around 4pm... thanks to the ppl in SERI that wishes me oso... Dr Arlie, Leonard Toh, Mr Prabakaran and Dr Zin... =D Recieved a present from ivan, oh man i was fucking surprised... SATANIC WARMASTER, Opferblut... \m/ man... thanks a million for that man... fucking love it man... okok... continue... after 4pm... when to clementi mrt to head for a shuttle bus towards turf city.. the bus was just fucking good temperature for sleeping man... haha... meet up with teresa, qian jun and joyce to buy some goods for the BBQ... keke.. head towards bukit batok mrt there the condo(i still yet to noe the name) for BBQ... was teresa's auntie's condo.. lol.. usually we hold birthday there too.. lol...
Ok... start the fire, start the food... chat chat chat... and sebestian came!.. haha.. another tall freak from my course.. =D too bad diff sems...(sux)... eat, cook, fire up, chat, play... den caught me to the toilet and puff!!... a birthday cake in front of me..!! haha... it was bought by Joyce at causeway point... thanks for bring the cake all the way from there to bukit batok... thankz thankz thankz!!.. Chat, eat, chat, cook and play... take photos( i dun have though)... haha... BTW... the people present there are Joyce, Qian Jun, Teresa, Sebestian, Wayne and Ivan... Thankz you guys a lot for all the things you got for me.. =D For Wei xin and Qiu xia... sorry that nv ask you all cuz it is like last minute though.. sorry... ok!.. celebration ends around 11.45.. take last train towards AMK den take cab with wayne... lol... approximately 1.30am... RIGHT HERE typing blog.. haha..
Er... will like to say sorry to elizabeth! who went all the way from sewbawang(house) to ritz to work for 4 hours.. i dun know that the function is so pathetic... haiz.. sorry man.. thanks btw for the wishes.. =D
OK!... once again... Thanks all the people who celebrated on the spot and overseas... (the OIAP ppls..) hope my days will make you happy and all the best to you guys man!!.. thankz LI SHI oso.. haha.. you are the last gal so far to wish me happy birthday.... hmm.. not the last but still.. THANKZ!!.. haha...
Proud to present to you!
Mood: Happy, Cool, Lucky
Listening now:

Feel: all my wishes come true(secret of cuz)
From the Left: Whiskey 15 years, Black Label Whiskey 12 years and Royal Salute Whiskey 21 years...
Some cool shit that i think i need to bring it up.. haha.. =D
Ritz Carlton Buddha... haha... the one with the most buddha heart.. lol... aka Yong Lun, doing some ritual stuff as you can see... from the gesture.. lol.. =D
(total: 20 Thankz)

Some cool shit that i think i need to bring it up.. haha.. =D

Once again... thankz thankz thankz thankz to everyone.... everybody... =D HAIL!!!
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